2spooky: Immediately after having the shit scared out of him the first time, Caelyn had an epic battle to make sure he did not crap his pants. A crowire crashed through the window of the Inn and was coming right for him. Luckily Fang was poised to strike, but there was no need because the Crowire was already dead....again? "What the fuck is that? It looks like some kind of zombie!?" Caelyn snapped back into the moment by the two officers kicking open the doors and requesting help at the morgue. He looked at the crowire again. This wasn't natural and it bothered him to the core to think something was causing this to the poor Natrelmon. He had always had good experiences with Natrelmon and not people. Something told him thats exactly what the cause of this was. "Count me in." Caelyn didnt remember even speaking the words but there they were. "Crowire and Faeron, come on out. I'll need your eyes to let us know of danger. Caelyn could feel Eishund surging to come out. "Not yet, you and Metosune stay in there I am sure we will need your assistance soon enough." With his natrelmon being calm in their relics, he took that as an understood and fell in line ready to head to the morgue.