Siobhan couldn't help but stare. Were all boys so aggressive, no matter what house they were in? Eyes slipping to the side, she looked at her only ally within Gryffindor. Yvette shrugged apologetically at her in response -- she clearly didn't know her new Potions partner either -- and turned away. In turn, Siobhan raised an eyebrow at the rude boy in front of her. Shaggy blonde hair, droopy face... he'd introduced himself at the feast last night, she was sure, but she could not remember his name at all. What she did remember, on the other hand, was his horrible attempts at changing his matchstick in Transfiguration. A snarky grin on her face, she retorted, "Well if Slytherins have troll brains, you must have none. Didn't you set your matchstick [i]on fire[/i] earlier?" Without allowing him time to respond and noting Trish's bitter grimace from her nearby bench, Siobhan moved herself around so she was only facing Kyle -- a clear dismissal if there ever was one. "What subjects did you have then?" A portly man who she guessed was Professor Slughorn began to meander into the room and to his desk but he didn't seem at all inclined to stop the frenzy of chatter from the first years. Siobhan wondered whether that was a good or a bad thing. Maybe he would be a terrible teacher?