@Apollosarcher: For now, I'm going to have to deny your character. I don't reasonably see a Jedi being granted Knighthood at 18 years old, especially with the stigma that would be on his name, he's lucky he was trained at all. I'm still hesitant with his capabilities as well, for such a young Jedi. Mastery over two styles and continued adept training in another two, some knowledge in three separate force powers on top of what is normally taught(Yes, even if he has neglected most of them, its not a stretch to go and pull them out full power on someone), all the while maintaining his use of a blaster with his only real weakness being piloting, and being seen as a corrupt knight? (Which is contradictory to being able to be on the council already, if it wasn't only for his emotions). Your more than welcome to edit it if you want, and I'll gladly look at it again, but for right now, its denied.