[b]Kyle McCarthy (Professor of DADA) - Hogwarts[/b] Professor McCarthy, as he was now in his professor robes and not the muggle attire he had worn at the station, made his way from his office on the third floor to McGonagall's office. He treasured the last few hours of silence within the halls of Hogwarts. Soon it would be filled with children, children he worried over. As he walked to the office he thought of his own years at Hogwarts. [hider=Flashback] Professor Snape was staring Kyle down, reading the young Slytherin boy. Kyle was on a dangerous path, and Snape could only watch the young boy tumble down it. "Detention McCarthy for that comment." Snape's oily voice spoke, causing the first year to frown. Kyle had heard Snape was easier on students in his house, but apparently not. Was it his friendship with the Gryffindor girl? Kyle didn't think that was fair, no one else was holding it against him, well no one but his sister, and the Gryffindors. "I just meant that-" "I don't care what you meant. You will have dentition with me promptly at six pm Friday night." Kyle fought back any other comments in case Snape decided the punishment wasn't good enough. [/hider] Kyle smiled slightly, that was the first in many detentions, he and Siobhan had been quite the truants. Kyle didn't let his mind wander any farther back, it wasn't worth the pain. He smile shifted back to the frown that he usually wore and he stopped in front of the Gargoyle statue that was the entrance to the Headmistress' office.