Shiro sat quietly in a corner desk, eyes twitching about the room occasionally then back down at the cell phone in her lap. There was no teacher, nor had there been any signs of one for some time now, but she wasn't exactly the type to take chances. They were being held after school for a reason, and if it was because they were in trouble she didn't want to compound it by using a cell while campus. Especially if they were currently in something like detention. That would be like speeding in a school zone. But risks aside, with no idea how long she would be left behind, she had to let her brother know she was going to be late. She'd hate to worry him. She couldn't just call him, so text message would have to do "Hey, Onii-san. Being held late after school today. I Think I may miss Judo, so don't worry about me." In seconds she received a response, glad she remember to put her phone on silence. 'Are you in trouble? Did you hip throw another bully? Shiro scowled at her phone and began to furious type a response. "NO! I didn't do anything! Stupid Onii-san!" 'lol, okay fine, I'll believe you for now. Any idea why there are keeping you?' She sighed sweeping her eyes about the room and the other students where apparently in the same situation as her, whatever this situation was. by the looks on their faces no one else had been told anything either. This was most unusual. I mean, yeah sure it wasn't exactly odd for students to be held after school for one reason or another. but even the dense of school punks would be aware of what exactly they had done or been accused of to be detained after classes. Seemed everyone here is in the dark, and that was simply not normal. "Not a clue. I'm not the only one being kept here. Don't really know any of these other girls. None of them are trouble makers as far as I know. I'll try and keep you posted.' 'you do that. I'll keep dinner warm for you in case you're really late.' She smiled faintly and replied "If you cooked it, don't bother, I'd rather avoid the attempted poisoning.' 'stupid imouto-san. Stay safe' She smiled at her phone, carefully clicked in closed and slipped it back into her school bag. Still no word or sign of anyone of authority. She took a deep breath and folded her arms. Fine then, she would wait for someone to explain this madness. She was a patient girl, she could wait.