"I come from a similar place, some shitty rock in the deep colonies. Glad to be out here where it's a lot nicer. Hell, even a ship beats it." Erik said with a smile, then looked at his cards and slid them to the middle of the table, unsatisfied with what he had been dealt, signaling that he was folding his hand. "Shitty. Guess I'm not that lucky with cards." He said, leaning back in his seat and folding his arms across his chest. He rose from his seat right after the pilot spoke, ready to go claim his living quarters. He noticed his familiar weapon and tool cases sitting by a wall, at least they delivered his stuff like they said they would. He picked up his jacket and bag once again, then approached the gear which were in heavy metal cases. He slide those into the bag, then headed towards the ladder, grasping the steel bars as he went up. Shortly after Risty and Caelum had, though he went in a different direction, one that took him to the men's quarters. As he entered the men's quarters he figured out that he was the first one there, which of course meant choice claim on which bunk to take, not that it meant anything, they were all the same boring setup, he picked the one in te farthest right corner from the door, and dropped his bag on the floor in front of the bed. Erik then knelt down and popped it open, first pulling out the clothing, including his jacket, all of which he put in the dresser. Then he popped open the weapons case, checking his familiar submachine gun and pistol, the pistol which he clipped to his belt with the safety on of course. He then locked the case containing his SMG, sliding it right under his bed. Finally he pulled a chair over, seating himself in it and examining his tool case, which he opened, going through all of his essential items. When he was satisified with that he moved to the bed, popping open the window, then laid down on the bed on top of the covers, stared at the ceiling for a moment, then closed his eyes, deciding to power nap while he had a spare moment.