STC Jaques ( BH-44) Crash landed on New Condia Cmdr. Deaxja ( KIA) Lt. Cmdr Sinidas Kalai ( Now in Command) Sinidas couldn’t shake the feeling of something trying to penetrate his mind, this new sensation was both calming and a nuisance. He wanted his men sharp and he could tell this new feeling was providing a mild distraction. What were they feeling? did it have something to do with this species that was surrounding their vessel? Sinidas shook the thought out of his mind and focused at the task at hand, staring down this new force long enough for the salvage team to come and get them off this bloody rock. “ Sir, contact twelve-o-clock” a crewman said quickly snapping his rifle to the diplomat approaching. Reflexively the rest of Sinidas’s special operations platoon ran to point of contact as well, putting six guns on target. “ If this thing gets any closer sir, its getting wasted” an operator yelled as they watched it slowly approach them. Sinidas had already raised his rifle towards the contact but decided to step out from cover, his weapon still drawn and leveled at the diplomat. The alien spoke in some weird language as it came closer, but as it spoke the feeling in Sinidas’s head intensified to the point of being uncomfortable. Stopping a few steps outside of the defensive perimeter Sinidas pointed at the approaching diplomat and made a waving off motion “ Flascht, Flascht!” ( Away, Away!) he yelled, hoping the alien would understand. STC-Acheron ( BH-23) Contacting new Species Deep Space, Alari Abyss ( By Pearl Fleet) Lt. Cmdr Zilicin Commander Zilicin shook his head slightly as an odd feeling washed over him, feeling like an odd pressure under his eyes. “ Does anyone else feel this? Do we have a radiation leak?” he said, rubbing the bridge of his nose. The rest of the crew definitely felt it too but also wondering about the source “ No sir, reactor is running at full capacity, no leaks or cracks. Any other ideas where this is coming from”? said the propulsion officer rubbing his eyes in the same fashion. Zilicin shook his head and studied the ship schematics for a second. “ Check the pressure seals in engineering, make sure our stealth run didn’t melt anything. Maybe thats it?” he said before continuing on his way towards the Pearl Fleet.