[i]'I guess he's a good enough man'[/i] Chall muses as the man offers him aid readily. It's an unusual feeling for the young mage so instead of replying right away he watches as the man orders the dog out of the room then sets about removing his outdoor wear. His ears snap to and fro. [i]'I swear I just heard a dog open and close a door. These mutts seem kinda smarter than I'm use to'[/i] Moving slowly Chall shifts inch by inch towards the fireplace. Staring at the cat in the only chair near the fire for a full minute he ends up sighing deeply and instead puts a hand on the edge of the well of the fireplace. Pushing hard with his good arm he manages to take a seat on the lip of the well, his back far enough away to be warmed without burning. His tail slips carefully over his left leg to dangle between his thighs. It twitches slightly with each noise the man sitting across from him makes. The fur along his back flexes slightly when the remaining dog comes to lay down near the heat source only a foot away from his furry toes. He flexes his claws a bit, both on his hands and feet, willing himself to relax. [i]'It's peaceful enough here, I should be able to recover and be one my way very soon'[/i] He glances back up at the man and resists the urge to move back away from him as he leans in. A low growl starts up in the back of his throat as he talks about the other villagers and how they will view him. The sound once again draws the dog's attention, causing her to raise her head and answer in kind, but Chall is too deep into his thoughts to notice. [i]'Oh great, even if this man seems to not care, I'm apparently in the same old backwater type village that made my mother an only parent and left me without a father. What would I like him to say? What a joke! There's no reasoning with fools that think I'm an oddity and not just another free thinking being that deserves to live his life like any of them!'[/i] His anger is apparent on his face, his growl moving deeper into his chest the more he rages inside about ignorant fools. [i]'What should they be told? They should be told to go jump into the riverrr and delve it's depths until they find the lost city of Jein Rii, the moronic fools froracistit mothers and fathers!'[/i] It at last registers that the dog, now on it's feet, is growling at him and Chall startles slightly. The growl dies instantly and he gives the beast a wary look. His whole body jumps again as a whistle sounds out behind him, but it only takes a moment to figure out that it's the kettle signaling that the water is ready. Without hesitation he calls out to the fire and wraps it around his hand to keep it safe as he reaches over to the swinging hook through the flames to move the kettle from above the heat. Settling the fire back into the hearth carefully he turns back to the man and lets out a sigh. The dog returns to laying by the hearth, but keeps an eye on the invader. Looking up into the man's eyes he says in controlled tones, “My mission is my own, but if you must tell them something to keep the peace, just tell them I am the apprentice of the king's mage on a mission from the king himself. I can not say more than that.” His ears twitch slightly up and down and he can not help but add, “And I seem human because my father was human. A lot of good it did him. . .” He drops his gaze and chews his bottom lip for a few seconds. [i]'He doesn't need to hear my life story. No one does. Not like anyone would really care. No one really cares in this world like they think they do. This man is most likely only helping because it's easier than dumping me off on someone else.'[/i] Chiding his own dark thoughts on the man who has been nothing but understanding and kind Chall looks back up at him. “As for the body of water, I need the body of water itself. The magic requires me calling on the nature or the water and surrounding life. Water in a cup is disconnected from nature.” He waves his good hand dismissively. “I should be able to make it on my own if you are to busy, but I should try to go there as soon as possible.”