[img=http://i.imgur.com/7uffqdG.gif] [i]This cold feeling... it was not the first time the young girl had felt like this. Darkness. Separation. Anxiety. Still not completely conscious, she drifted lazily through a cloud of passing emotions, imagining what unknowable scenario she had gotten herself into, all the while trying to distract herself from the growing feeling of dread in her stomach. As far as she knew she should have been lying on the ground behind Grandma's hut, collapsed beneath a basket of herbs. Grandma Cecil, hearing the commotion, would have hobbled out from her living room to see what was going on. That old lady would help her up, even with her sore back, but she would certainly give her a harsh scolding afterwards.[/i] Annabel smiles. Then, she feels somebody shaking her shoulder. She opens her eyes slowly, knowing instinctively that it wouldn't be the familiar scene she was yearning for, letting the queer red light filter in past her eyelids. A boy stood over her, his fingers pressed warmly against the vein on her neck. In the corner of her mind, she acknowledges that the boy must be checking her pulse. [i]Was she dead? No, probably unconscious. That fall must have done a number on her, for her vision to be this hazy.[/i] [indent][i]"Who are you?"[/i], asks the voice of a dreamy young girl.[/indent] Annabel lets out the first thing that comes to her mind upon seeing the boys face. She knew everybody in the village, and yet she had never seen a face like that before. Still, somehow, she felt a connection to this person whom she had never seen in her life. She didn't know what it was at first, but after a few moments of staring, she figured it out. It was that expression. In those eyes, she could see the very same sense of confusion that had been radiating through her entire body since she had blacked out. Her eyes were adjusted now, and she could see the object hanging above the boy's head. A lantern, flickering queerly with red light, one final sign to show that she had left the world she loved. Annabel sighs, and begins to sit up from the cold, metal platform. What is it that Grandma Cecil would say at a time like this? [i]If you have time to sit and gawk, you should get moving.[/i]