Name: Marcus Animal: Grey Wolf Gender: Male Fur and eye color: A dark grey with his underbelly being a snow white color from top to bottom, his irises normally are white but a light blue glow envelopes hem whenever he uses his power. On his back though is a marking that looks as if it scarred through his [url=]left eye[/url] and curled around it, going upward to his [url=]back[/url], creating an intricate design that glows with a brilliant bright blue when he uses his power. Hissatsu (optional): Ice- Marcus has honed his skill to fire bolts of ice from his mouth. Item (optional): His fangs and claws are outfitted with steel coating, making them more than deadly, most of his body is covered in [url=]armor[/url] as well. Personality: Marcus is a soft spoken wolf he believes his actions are more than enough to speak with him in various occasions. He has a kind heart that he conceals within a unmatched fury that pushes him though battle and a determination that pushes him even further. Background: All he had ever know was to be alone, Marcus was the largest wolf of his pack, his stocky, muscular frame and height of 5 feet was seen as a negative by his pack alpha. His immediate shunning was quickly followed by an attempt at his life, he was forced to defend himself and kill his ex-kin. He was left with nothing but his power, he would dare not see anyone else be subjected to such discrimination, wolf or not he would defend him to the very last breath. [hider=Here is his overall look][img][/img][/hider]