[b]☆Only the strong can change the world✮[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/12927/posts/ooc?page=1]OOC [/url] [IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/15frqxg.jpg[/IMG] [b]♊ Daear, The Continent of War ♊[/b] [i]Daear, a harsh world of endless conflict and rigorous warzones. With three nations under separate tyrannic rule, any thoughts of hope or peace throughout the land is ludicrous at best. The reason for this? The Exemplar War, an eternal battle that has raged on since the birth of Daear. The reasons for each nation to participate are all similar in one way or another; the nation of progress Doniaeth struggles to maintain it’s resources as they expend them continuously with their constantly developing technology, the nation of faith Kaien lacks in population as they are constantly ravaged with disease and famine due to the infertile land it is built upon, and the nation of conquest Thaos seeks to spread their rule throughout the rest of Daear.[/i] ---- [IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/21e9on5.jpg[/IMG] [b]♊ The Exemplar War ♊[/b] [i]Imagine a war that had no start, or cause, it simply had always been and the world accepts it. That generally defines The Exemplar War. Men and women scatter across Daear every day, regimes of men and women representing their nation and fighting for the ideals they represent. Constant danger that is always present from the day you step outside the city walls until the day you return within them. There are those who oppose this war, and strive to stop it. Though the sheer words of ‘peace’ are laughed at by the masses of every nation. Why? Because it’s all the people have ever known, and are afraid of change. With lack of support, even from the oppressed populations, rebellions and revolutionaries are never able to make a large enough impact on any kingdom to affect the route of inevitability. And thus’ The Exemplar War will continue until one of the nations conquers the others, or a large enough change happens to stop it.[/i] ---- [b]♊ Plot... Start! ♊[/b] [i]While the world is divided in three, boredom stirs between the nations as the war begins to grow stagnant and repetitive. So, the great god Glân causes some of the greater monsters of the world to stumble onto the battlefield. Now note to yourself, the great world of Daear is still mostly uncharted, unmarked by man and filled with mysteries we have not yet encountered nor do we wish to as of yet. But back on topic, these monsters are disrupting the war 'all according to plan'. So to handle these pesky creatures, bred in a world of conflict, the nations are sending their strongest warriors to ward these monsters and reclaim the battlefield for themselves! Hoorah![/i] --- [b]♊ Uniquities of Daear ♊[/b] [u]Technology:[/u][i] The nation of Doniaeth is known for bringing the advanced technology that Daear is equipped with today. Though Donians are the creators and engineers that brought it, both Thao and Kaiens have learned of this nation’s marvels through war and taught the bright minds of their own nations how to imitate the engineering and science for their own benefit. This technology has mixed with the cultures of each nation though still Doniaeth is the most advanced and skilled in it’s uses and progresses in advancement every day. Examples: Guncraft, Primitive Robotics, Primitive Vehicles, Explosives, and Prosthetics.[/i] [u]Magic:[/u] [i]The nation of Kaien is known for bringing the otherworldly power of magic that is well-known and common throughout Daear. Magic is said by the Kaien to come from the gods, but the Thao and Donians have since proven that magic is powered through aetherial ley-lines that are able to be tapped into with proper teachings. Magic was also introduced to the other nations through war, and have since branched into countless types that are now commonly used by all nations on the battlefield. Though the people who first brought this art to Daear will always be more skilled at using it and will continue to believe that the orientation of their birthright is holy. Examples: Summoning, Pyro-Cryo-Necro-Hydromancy, Healing, Etc.[/i] [u]Natural Arts:[/u][i] The nation of Thao is known for bringing the natural arts to Daear. The natural arts are a number of different styles of combat and abilities that harness the bodies energies to bring about an action. The natural arts are a rare case in which on Thao are able to use them, though through enemies witnessing these techniques at war many attempts of imitation have been made, though none have yet been successful. Examples: Martial Arts, Jutsu, Ki Usage, and other miscellaneous techniques.[/i] ---- [b]♊ The People of Daear ♊[/b] [u]Donians:[/u][i] The people of Doniaeth are known for their superior intellect and innovative creations. Usually having witty, matter-of-fact views on life and their surroundings, Donians are natural born philosophers and due to this Doniaeth has a large amount of internal problems within their borders. One of these problems if the Hemoplague, or the more literal term Vampirism. The Hemoplague is said to be the creation of one of Doniaeth’s lead alchemists in his attempt to create an Elixir of Immortality, the result being golden-eyed citizens with a thirst for blood. Another is revolution, as many great minds are gathered in a single place are bound to come to disagreements in ideals. Rebels are fairly common within Doniaeth, causing the ruling power to be extremely strict on the people; curfews, guarded towns, and oppression also plagues this nation and it’s people.[/i] [hider=VIPs] [IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/105behw.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Rhys Welch[/b][/u] [i]Rhys Welch, the prodigal young inventor that has recently made a name for himself with his advanced skills in robotics and guncrafting. Being the boy who invented ARCs 'Aerial Robotic Combatants' which are essentially small mechanized dragons armed with guns, he has become the spotlight of Doniaeth and is growing in fame nearly every day.[/i] [IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/t8rot5.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Damon Krump, The Alchemist[/u][/b] [i]Damon is the current leader of Doniaeth, being a brilliant man with a superiority complex only able to be compared with a tyrannosaurus. He strives to find a method of immortality, and as such funds and pushes all scientists who research this goal head on. This man is also twisted in the worst kind of way, known to capture prisoners of war and use them for psychological experimentation, some even say he has brainwashed strong soldiers from enemy nations to become bodyguards. Despite his darker methods he is respected by his nation for his great mind and his ambition to progress, keeping himself alive and in power. [/i] [IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/25k065g.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Theresa Bellflower[/u][/b] [i]Speculated to be the first vampire, as she was the first to be caught and exiled, Theresa is a carnivore. As the nation itself is already divided, this hunter of the night serves no man and goes outside the nation's walls when she pleases. Pirating weaponry and stealing from her victims, she is a dangerous person to come across and is somewhat of a fairy tale to the young within Doniaeth. Nonetheless, she gives the word of law to all vampires within the city and is seen as a sort of mother towards them. Within the Golden District, an area excluded from the main city of the nation is a small town where captured vampires are sent to live in exile.[/i] [/hider] [u]Kaien:[/u][i] The people of Kaien are known for their strong religious beliefs and conviction to their nation. Fidaians put their faith before everything. Entrusting their life, well-being, even the decisions they make to the The Holy Church of Glân. Due to this, the nations people are viewed by the others as mindless and pitiful. Even strengthening this look on the people is the broad hierarchy it clings to. While the church and it’s surrounding cities are wealthy, fruitful and heavily protected. The lower citizens who work the fields or struggle to make due are used simply as workers to serve the higher-ups. Though all is not bad in this impoverished land, for they are gifted with the strongest priests, mages, and sorcerers all who serve the nation with hand over heart for the faith they so desperately believe in.[/i] [hider=VIPs][IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/qsnsqw.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Thomas E. Whiteroad, The Pope[/u][/b] [i]Thomas Whiteroad has been a faithful man ever since he can remember. His father, the former pope taught him everything he would need to know. From basic magic to distributing and balancing taxes, even determining how much rations each district of his nation would need each year. This holy figure is indeed a very faithful man, though cold and heartless to those in need as he is blinded by his prestige and wealth. Though despite this, the people of Kaien revere him and his word is the closest thing to god even the peasants struggling to survive know. So he holds his clutches tightly on the throat of those he rules, and never loosens the grip of oppression.[/i] [IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/98cz77.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Roza Heartford[/u][/b] [i]The military leader of Kaien, Roza Heartford is a strange woman. Said to be one of magicians of her age, she is capable in every category of magic and is most notable for summoning creatures that require armies to destroy. Additionally Roza is also a priestess of Glân making her an extraordinary healer that is not overlooked on the battlefield. With her inept talent, and hidden strategic genius she is a well-respected general of Kaien that is not to be overlooked.[/i] [IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/anxx1y.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Gretchen Schildbach[/u][/b] [i]At the core of magic creation and discovery is Gretchen Schildbach, a small girl who adores destruction and chaos nearly as much as the next magician. Though her faith may be weak, and she may be frowned upon by higher authorities who give orders- she is not one to trifle with. The Pope often sees her as a neccessary evil within the church as she watches over the 'Little Magician Academy' within Kaien walls.[/i][/hider] [u]Thao:[/u][i] The people of Thaos, the smallest of nations, are known to be joyful and proud warriors who are given absolute freedom in their actions after the age of eighteen. Scratch that, a better way to put it is that the tyrant who rules the nation is afraid to oppress the monsters she creates within the walls of his kingdom. Thao live for the battlefield, man and woman alike they are raised in a militaristic life where each individual is taught a skill unique to that person and are trained to harness that skill to become a weapon of war. The single problem the nation has, and the reason it has not grown is the ruler itself. She is a young, careless, insolent, ruler who has no real goal other than the love for war and slaughter of people from other nations. Because of this, the people of Thaos have more effect on the nation’s state which hinders it from growing. [/i] [hider=VIPs] [IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/o6eaft.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Zhong Xin Dao[/u][/b] [i]As the military leader of Thaos, Zhong is feared as a relentless and bloodthirsty general who fills those on the battlefield with terror. Donning flashy clothing and a single katana, Zhong is able to combat with machines of war and experienced mages easily. Though it is the people within Thao walls that are most careful towards their general. Many lives are lost within the military academies in which Zhong had opened, for those not strong enough to master abilities are not fit to enter the battlefield in the general's eyes. Many people see this person as the current leader of Thao seeing the influence in which they have. However the empress who rules would say otherwise if she felt like it.[/i] [IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/xpvng3.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Fang Hua Yan[/b][/u] [i]Titled the Merchant Queen, Fang Hua is a very famous woman within Thaos. Leading in the trade of fencing 'selling stolen goods' she brings in foreign items that are usually unobtainable and sells these odds and ends to turn a profit. She is most notable for bringing guns to Thaos, where they were disassembled and recreated, though bows are still the most prominent ranged weapon used by Thao soldiers. Fang Hua is a good friend of the empress, and is said to be twice as old as she looks, offering the myth that the two have obtained eternal youth by drinking the blood of those they had conquered.[/i] [IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/3324021.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Nyu Hou, The Empress[/b][/u] [i]Disobedient, rash, spiteful, immature. These are things that would describe the ruler of Thaos the nation of war and conquest. Despite the girl's small-young look, she is old enough to be the most veteran of Thao warrior's grandmother and many generations before. Despite her legends of immortality and inability to appease her boredom, she is most known for one thing. Lack of leadership, she does not lead the nation that she rules, she simply states that it her's and that is all. The people run rampant and do as they wish, and Nyu simply watches in amusement.[/i] [/hider] ---- [b][u]The God of Daear[/u][/b] [i][u]Glân:[/u] An active god that is still worshiped by the people of Kaien to this day. He is to them known as the true god and one of purity, fertility, and healing, though he is actually a god of war who enjoys conflict within Daear. It is said that he was the one who started the war between the three nations, and granted each of them a gift in return for their obedient battle. Glân actively effects the world unconsciously, due to this all natural life is acclimated to fighting, from the animals to even some of the plan-life having the ability to fight back against man.[/i] ---- [b]♊ Image Bank ♊[/b] *all credit to the great artists of the Interwebz* [s]o[/s]-[url=http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=11l7dd2&s=8#.Uvg6kvldWk0]Kaien Paladin[/url]-[s]o[/s] [s]o[/s]-[url=http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=sdi4xf&s=8#.UvhL-PldWk0]Kaien Priestess[/url]-[s]o[/s] [s]o[/s]-[url=http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2j0yt7r&s=8#.UvhOXPldWk0]Kaien Golem[/url]-[s]o[/s] [s]o[/s]-[url=http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=29qbchy&s=8]Donian Prosthesis[/url]-[s]o[/s] [s]o[/s]-[url=http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=opuzk1&s=8#.UvhD3_ldWk0]Donian Vampire[/url]-[s]o[/s] [s]o[/s]-[url=http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2i898h1&s=8#.UvhH4PldWk0]Another Donian Vampire[/url]-[s]o[/s] [s]o[/s]-[url=http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=nvns41&s=8#.UvhAx_ldWk0]Thao Trainee[/url]-[s]o[/s] [s]o[/s]-[url=http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=1zyc9h&s=8#.UvhKm_ldWk0]Thao Kunoichi[/url]-[s]o[/s] ---- [b]♊ Characteru Sheetu! ♊[/b] [i]Disclaimer - I am an evil woman, I am harsh and cruel and mean and will shatter your hopes and dreams if you don't meet the high-casual standard. I am a hellspawn, I know this but I have had traumatic experiences in my life so please for both of our sake..[/i] [hider=Characteru Sheetu!][center] [IMG][b]Animu Image for appearance at Topu![/b][/IMG] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] [i]Name in italics adds emphasis for style.[/i] [b][u]Theme:[/u][/b] [i]Jams for your character.[/i] [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] [i]Range from about 16-30 years old.[/i] [b][u]Gender:[/u][/b] [i]Sometimes, we just don't know... M/F please.[/i] [b][u]Nation of Origin:[/b][/u] [i]Which douchebag rules you?[/i] [b][u]Persona:[/u][/b] [i]One paragraph minimum.[/i] [b][u]Equipment:[/u][/b] [i]Guns are most common for Doniaeth soldiers. The norm is swords/shield, axes, etc[/i] [b][u]Ability/Magic/Technology:[/b][/u] [i]If you want to discuss something don't be afraid to PM me.[/i] [b][u]Additional Info:[/b][/u] [i]Anything I missed, you can do it.[/i] [b][u]Post Example:[/u][/b][i] New one that fits your character please, so that I may get a feel for your writing.[/i][/center] [/hider]