�"No better way to start the day then with some good-old fasioned training."� �"Anybody can become the best, why not you?."� �"It's a nice day for training."� �"You won't get better just waiting for it to happen."� Character Name: Actual Age: 112 Physical Age: 16 Race: Shinigami Birthday: Timeline will be A.D. Gender: Male [b]Height: 5, 2 Weight:130 Blood Type: -O Affiliation: Seretai Title: Shinigami Occupation:Shinigami Division: None Division Team: None Partner(s): None Base of Operations: Seretei Notable Features: He is missing his right thumb and his hair shifts color from day to day in the folloing order. Brown, Black, Red, Blue. Personality: X belives that hard work should be the only way to get anything. That being said he believes that the brain jsut as important as any muscle and should be used accordingly. He is tenicous to a fault and very brave. X however is rather naive and can be tricked rather easily. Relatives: None Zanjutsu Level:Practitioner Shunpo Level:Practitioner Hakuda Level: Practitioner Kido Skill Level: Expert Reiryoku Level:Average Reiatsu:Average Reiatsu Colors: A deep blood-red Reiatsu Shape: A pentagram Reiatsu Effect: None Reiatsu Type:Standard Skills and Abilities: SKill with Kidos, basic combat training. Inventions: Unique Kido- Box of Punishment: A 5x5 square is targeted and graivty is doubled in this are if used without the incantion. If used with the incantion gravity increases by a multiple of 5. Incantation: "Summon suffering box of despair arise and crush all who enter!" Equipment: Shinigami clothes and Zanpakuto Zanpakuto Name: Enjeru Tebukuro Zanpakuto Appearance: His Zanpakuto appears as a two unadorned steel katanas. Zanpakuto Spirit: His Zanpakto spirt is very similar to what could be described as an "Elder Vampire." His spirt is always dressed very finely wearing a black suit and a tuxedo. Enjeru is 6 foot and has silver hair and a albino skin complexion. Ejeru is also missing his left thumb, strangly enoug the oppisite of It knows much more about his powers than he does and is generally rather condescing and shows no outward sign of affection. Inner World: His inner world is a gaint flower growing out of an enourmas ocean. There is water as far as the eye can see, and the flower is the only object. It's petals break off with any force short of walking and center of the flower is suprisingly flat and slightly spongy. If all 12 petals fall off then the world usually collaspes. Release Phrase: Form, Kido Cannon! Shikai:Iron plated Cestus with a holes in the middle of the plam and on the knuckels through which it's special ability is used. Shikai Special Ability: Allows kido's to be fired though the hole in his palm with increased speed and effectives, or be stored with the knuckle holes to be released instantly with the full power of an incantation Bankai: None Bankai Special Ability: N/A Offense: 20% Defense: 40% Mobility: 20% Kido: 80% Intelligence: 60% Physical Strength: 50% Total: 270/600 Likes: Sleep, Training, Dislikes: Flirts, Muscleheads Favorite Food(s): Melons, Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Hoenydew. Hot Chocalate. Known Kidos: 8. Seki ( Repulse) Creates a round shield that seems to temporarily paralyze and repel whatever strikes it. 61. Rikujōkōrō (Six Rods Prison of Light) Summons six thin, wide beams of light that slam into a target's midsection, holding them in place. The target is then unable to move any part of their body including the parts that were not struck by the beams. Incantation: "Carriage of Thunder. Bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six!" 4. Byakurai (Pale Lightning) The user fires a concentrated, powerful lightning bolt from their finger. 9. Geki (Strike) Engulfs the target in red light, completely paralyzing them.[10] Incantation: "Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini!! Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat!" 33. Sōkatsui (Blue Fire, Crash Down) Fires a burst of blue spiritual energy at a target in a similar manner to #31, but over a wider area and with more power.[40] Incantation: "Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws.