[u][b]Planet Nouvelle, Capital City Hollie Skies above Hollie, 8:35 A.M.[/b][/u] As the city of Hollie began to awake in a hustle and bustle, people moving to and fro as word spread of extra-terrestrial visitors, a new vessel slowly drifted down from the heavens above. This craft, yet another ship belonging to these new and alien beings, made its way down from the endless space above, into the atmosphere, and through the sporadic clouds that hung over Hollie. People pointed and motioned to this new visitor above; excited that yet another “Angel” had come forth to visit their moon home world. This vessel, this object, was heading straight for the capital’s main parade ground, situated outside of the Royal Palace. By now, the fledgling Royal Nouvellian Air Force had been mustered, its loud and rickety Biplanes circling the skies above the capital, while three massive zeppelins floated towards the palace from their airfield. The Nouvellian aircraft took notice of this newcomer, and flew towards it to flank it as it made its way to the parade grounds. The biplanes broke off as it landed, and those upon the ground await for whatever was to come out of this “Angelic” vessel. [u][b]Capital City Hollie Central Trade District leading towards Capital[/b][/u] The police captain nodded, and nudged his horse forward. The police that had formed a barrier between the people of Nouvelle and the vessel that had landed within the trade district moved aside as the party made its way onwards to the Palace. Mounted police rode ahead, clearing the street of people as the Nouvellian police forces and these “All-Seeing Angels” made their way down it. People looked down from their homes, out from their windows at these strange new beings. Many whispered excitedly, talking of how “The gods have returned,” or, “Blessed be the Angel’s, disciples of the gods,” and the like. The populace was more interested in the aliens than they were afraid, if at all. Of course there were those that were apprehensive, or skeptical, but overall, the vibe in the air was a positive one. The police forces moved at a brisk pace, not rushing, but not taking their time to make it to the palace. Off in the distance, the glittering spires and towers could be seen, the looming walls and fortifications that made the palace, and above all, the gleaming green and red jewel that stood held in a massive statue’s hands. It was surely a sight to behold, perhaps even for off-worlders. A ship would fly overhead, some of the police within the escort breaking off to race ahead and alert the palace forces of their imminent arrival, and no doubt, to pass on what they had seen of late. Ahead, one could see the massive gates of the palace slowly creaking open, as numerous police and military forces mustered, readying themselves for both the air bound and ground bound newcomers. At the head of all these forces was a very well dressed man. His hair was speckled with gray, and his mustache grand and well groomed. His clothes embellished with regalia and accruements. It was clear to all that he was in a position of authority. His hat was grand, with a dark green plume of feathers coming from its right side. He wore an archaic breastplate, polished to a high sheen. His sword and revolver drawn, he awaited patiently for the group coming from the trade district to arrive. His boots shone brightly as he moved to his left, letting a retinue of guardsmen pass by him. He bowed his head slightly to the police and “Angels” from the trade district, offering a smile even. He spoke with a tone of authority and power, but with respect. “I am General Orlock, commander of the Royal Police Forces of Hollie. It is an honor to have such dignified guests among us. I am told you have come to treat with our Grace and Majesty, Queen Sabine. It is up to me if you shall go further.” He paused, looking up to scan over the incoming vessel of the gods, before looking back at the party before him. “Would you be so kind as to enlighten me as to whom you are? I have only hearsay from my subordinates, my comrades in arms. I mean you no disrespect, but, I must insist that I know whom I am sending before my beloved Queen, to ensure that no harm comes to here, and those that reside within our palace. And, if I could have your names as well, so that we may also know you on a bit more… personal level, less we disrespect you, and ourselves by referring to you as ‘Angels’ or ‘Visitors from beyond the Stars’.” He smiled to them, sheathing his weapons as he awaited their response. [u][b]Planet Nouvelle, Frontier Town of Cherac[/b][/u] Captain Reynald stood quietly as the reptilian beings conversed amongst themselves. He wondered what they were saying, curious as to whether it was good or bad. Either way, he decided that it was best he not eavesdrop, even if he could not understand them. He took this time to issue a few orders to his troops, having them move about to ensure that the populace of the town was safe, and that no one got too close to these “Angelic” beings. After ensuring that his troops were taking care of his orders, he turned his attention back to the “Angels”. The honorable Captain Suren’kum spoke to Captain Reynald after he finished speaking with his own troops. His words were kind and respectful, and held no amount of deception. Captain Reynald listened closely as the “Angel” spoke. He turned to look upon his fellow Nouvellians as Captain Suren’kum addressed them. He looked at their faces; as they listened to the “Angel” address them now. If any had fear within their hearts, it was relieved by the words of Captain Suren’kum. Reynald looked back at his counterpart from the heavens above. “Captain Suren’kum, I would be honored to meet with your commander.” Reynald spoke politely, before continuing. “I am sad to say we do not have transportation like what your great people have, and I find that I must request your help in getting to this meeting.” He turned and ordered one of his subordinates to retrieve his dress uniform. “I can be ready to go in five minutes, if that is acceptable Captain.” He smiled, and awaited Saren’kums response. [u][b]Planet Nouvelle, Capital City of Hollie Royal Palace, Eastern Wing, Guest Quarters.[/b][/u] Sgt. Caudill led the group of humans towards the quarters where they would be staying for their duration within the capital. He could not help but chuckle at their banter as the humans spoke amongst each other. They were an odd bunch, far different from those that Sgt. Caudill dealt with on a regular basis. The men reminded him of commoners who worked and lived in the wilderness and frontier of the kingdom, having little interaction with those that lived in the cities and towns. The woman was far more refined, and her mannerisms showed this. He led the group to a set of doors. He opened them both, leading the group into a large living area, which had four more doors, each leading to its own sleeping area. He smiled, turning to the group. “Names are important. It gives a person worth, lets one know who they are talking to, and allows respect to be endeared unto one another. I know, it seems so… archaic to you no doubt, but, it is who we are, and it is something we hold dear to ourselves. Everyone has a name, and everyone has a story to tell.” He moved to stand back by the door way that led into the room. “There are baths that can be used for freshening up and making yourselves feel more at ease. There are clean towels and clothes, if you wish to change. The choice is yours. We can also have your clothing cleaned and returned to you within two hours, if that would be appealing to you as well. You can ring the bell over there for service, and a steward will be with you shortly to help with whatever you need. That includes food as well. Hmmm…” Sgt. Caudill pauses, before remembering what he wanted to say. “Also, we ask that you leave your weapons in these quarters upon the next meeting with the Queen. No one will enter your rooms nor dare touch your belongings. That should cover it. Now, I must excuse myself, and head back to my post. Take care new comers.” With that, Sgt. Caudill walked out, closing the doors behind him, and headed about his business. [u][b]Orbit of Nouvelle, Outer Reaches.[/b][/u] The heavens above Nouvelle were soon abuzz with life. A massive fleet of vessels appeared, shining specs against the brightness of the rising morning sun. The glinted and glowed, reflected and sparkled. They were a sight to behold. Never before had so many object been spotted in the skies above Nouvelle. The moved in a formation, never getting too far apart. There was order to them all, each having its own significance. The people of Nouvelle were truly blessed. So many “Angels” had come, and yet even more were coming. And of the mass of “Angels”, one broke away from the congregation, and flew downwards to the earth of Nouvelle below.