[Damian] Damian frowns, wondering where the pair was going, but also nods, knowing to trust Master Jamie's judgement. "I can do that, Master. The pair won't be allowed to go anywhere without at least two others until you resolve the matter." Looking over the guild, Damian smiles and turns to Master Jamie, evaluating her mental state. Based on the bags under his eyes, he wasn't getting enough rest. "Then, when you get back, you're taking a break. The guild can survive a couple of days without you and you need the rest. Aside from that, I'll get the new people sorted out and introduced to each other and everyone after you leave. And maybe familiarize myself with members who I haven't met that joined before me." So far as Damian could tell, there was only one or two of those, but that wasn't important. He needed to know his guild mates. And he wouldn't be too late again, not like he was with Wes. "So, does that all sound alright, Master Jamie?"