Sorry for my recent absence, I work a lot. I am still ready to launch it, though, given the response that it has had. Draft of the OOC below. Welcome, one, welcome all to the Letters From Home RP. My name is Cameron, your friendly neighborhood GM. Letters From Home is a unique role-playing experience in that all of the roles being played must be expressed indirectly through “hand-written” letter, journals, newspaper editorials, and even official documents. As a player in LFH, your goal is to investigate and uncover the mysteries of our in-game world by writing these documents. Through collaboration and creative writing, we will shape entire histories and cultures for the peoples of our world. First, the basics: As a player, you have an unlimited number of characters at your disposal to tell a story. Other players may take up the pen for characters you create, given your permission. Although, You are only allowed up to three characters that you may write for exclusively. Anything else may be considered public domain. The OOC is kind of a game in and of itself. I would like the players to consider themselves kind of archeologist, putting together and unearthing new information about a forgotten world. As far as the game’s cannon is concerned, there must be a degree of teamwork and cooperation for it to exist. I expect there to be disputes. That is the nature of the game I wish to create. People remember things differently, they lie, and sometimes are just down-right wrong. Together, the players must determine what is fact and what is fiction. That pretty much sums it up. I am giving you, the player, a lot of liberty in this game. All I ask in return is good writing. Next, a few things about the world: We are investigating the fictional world of Undea. The world is geographically and evolutionary similar to Earth, but culturally and historically it is up to the players to decide. Suffice to say that we are in a quasi-modern setting (there are no space travel or alien life present). There are three continents on Undea, each containing a number of nations and inhospitable regions. The scale we are playing on is a grand one. The approximate population of the world is about 3 billion, unevenly distributed between the continents. Major nations are both seafaring and airborne. Their militaries are strong and may use conventional weapons and tactics. Undea is reaching a time of crisis. Resources are scarce in many places and world war is on the horizon. Players may choose to follow this chain of events, although in the game, there is room for almost any story to be told. And I think that’s all I’m going to tell you. The rest is up for you to decide.