Okay, I did a lot of thinking on these profiles. I apologize in advance if I sound a bit critical of them, but there were some problems that cropped up that I personally feel would be a detriment to the RP. @Guy of Z: I'm gonna have to say no to the zombie for several reasons. The first reason is pretty personal, Zombies bother me a lot on a psychological level. They give me panic attacks, etc, etc. I'm not sure if I could be comfortable RPing knowing your character is a zombie. Now besides that one personal reason, I fail to see how your character can have meaningful interactions if they lack the ability to communicate. And assuming I read her power right, being able to spread a virus that controls others is a big no no for me. That just doesn't work in a RP with multiple players unless you had the consent of every one of them to use that power. My final reason is, this character does not seem like a magical girl at all. It's a zombie wearing a costume. This character is more like something you'd find in a comic book than a magical girl anime/manga. @Laughing Matter: For the reasons I say no to a zombie, I'm not sure if I would be comfortable with a necromancer. But I don't exactly want to say no for that reason. If you limit to dead animals, I would probably have less of a problem with it. I also feel like being able to control undead humans, especially if they can still use their powers, would be a bit game breaking as there is no mentioned limit on how many she can control at a time. She's pending until we can work some things out. @CureMoonlight: I'm going to have to say no to him as well. Like the zombie, there is nothing that defines this character as something that you'd find in a magical girl anime. The only thing is that he uses a sword to transform and if that was the only requirement then you'd be able to call He-man a magical boy. As it stands, this character is a magical warrior, better suited for a urban fantasy setting than a magical girl RP. As for his sword itself, the fact that it can seal others bothers me, especially with this character's skewed personality potentially targeting PCs. @Card Captor: Clarify what it means and what happens when a memory is inserted or removed? Also, currently your character suffers from a similar problem as the rejected sign ups. There's nothing that defines this character as one from a magical girl setting. I suggest doing a bit more on that front. Phew okay, I apologize again. I really didn't want to have to tell people no, but some of these characters just don't work with what I envisioned for this RP. Feel free to try again with new characters or revisions to the old ones.