[quote=Awson] I don't think this is a leaving thread. He's just referencing that other thread. The only 'leaving' that's going on is this thread is [s]this thread leaving me disappointed[/s] [s]me, leaving this thread[/s] [s]everyone leaving Larfleeze out of the Skype group[/s] [s]Jorick leaving his monthly Spam reply[/s] [s]ActRaiser leaving me disappointed again[/s] [s]Jorick leaving his cock in AR's mouth for too long, causing it to prune[/s] [s]Jorick leaving his cock in my mouth for too long, causing me to swoon[/s] me leaving a really shitty reply. [/quote] It probably is a leaving thread. Trust me, I'm in the know. Also, more like bi-monthly post. I'm already way above my quota now. Also also, gross.