War is a condition that has plagued humanity since the very beginning. From ancient tribal skirmishes for food and territory to the cataclysmic World Wars of the 20th century, one thing has been certain. Where there are people, war will follow. This truth followed us even into the stars. With the development of the Freon-Hurtz Jump drive in 2131 and advanced teraformation techniques, we expanded outwards into the last frontier. People believed, they hoped, that with distance and bounding resources across the traverse, that war would simply die out. The first skirmishes occurred within weeks. Almost all of the first colonies were founded by corporate interests. There were mining colonies and farm colonies, what have you. It didn’t matter. There was money to be made everywhere. In the beginning there were few colonies, all of them within the Sol system itself. All of them had multiple corporations laying territorial claims. What better way was there to increase profits than by eliminating the competition? The following series of armed conflicts became known to history as the Unification Wars. The governments on earth realized the need to eliminate financial interests ruling the colonies. The UN was given executive powers over all non-earth populations and the authorization to use military force to tame them. Over the course of five years, this goal was met. The next year, the UN Charter was re-written, creating the Union of Populated Worlds. There would be, for a time, peace. Over the next fifty years, humanity continued to expand. At the height of the UPW’s influence, there would be over fifty colonies in twenty systems. People hoped this would be the end of war. They couldn’t have been more wrong. The UPW, a democratic marvel on paper, was in fact, and oppressive and over-powered military machine with every human world under its thumb, or so many believed. The resentments were old, having their origins all the way back to the Unification Wars. The fact of the matter was, the planetary governments wanted more control over their territories, however the UPW refused to give it to them, believing that if left to their own devices, the colonist would ruthlessly go back to killing one another over petty disputes. However, in a move decades in the making, five systems allied themselves together and declared themselves independent from the UPW. The Telph, The Grimm, The Holdsted, the Yalta, and The Undeas all announced their sovereignty on the centennial anniversary of the Unification Wars end. This is where our story begins. You are a UPW Marine Stationed in the Undeas system on the world of Tridam. The war has been going on for almost a year, the fiercest of the fighting against the Allied Stance having been in the Undeas. Tridam is strategically imperative to the UPW’s war efforts in the system. Tridam is home to the Allied shipyards, and is ultimately the backbone of their resistance. You are up against an entrenched enemy. They are brothers and fathers and mothers and children and every one of them will fight to the death to see you leave their home. Can you survive? This isn’t the first war we’ve fought. Will it be the last? You and your fellow player’s make up one squad in the larger 2nd Platoon of the 12th Infantry Regiment on Tridam. The folks back home call you Tridam’s Heros. The locals call you “Those UPW mother fuckers.” You don’t necessarily agree with the locals, but you're fairly certain that nothing about you is very heroic. You have been fighting for ten months. Since the war began. You’re tired, you’re beaten, but you know damn well that you’re not going home any time soon. The folks back home call the war “The Great Skizim.” You call it hell. Lieutenant Colonel Pete Firebrand commands the 12th. You might have met him once or twice. He’s a good man. A good soldier. You respect him. You think that too many good soldiers have died here. He agrees. You don’t know it yet, but this attitude shared by your squad, all of second platoon, and the whole 12th itself is what has destined you for greatness. And infamy. You CO is Captain John Banderas. You think he’s kind of an asshole. Colonel Firebrand agrees. This is why one day, Chief Warrant Officer Cameron P. Bose graces the presence of your squad. Now, only play can reveal what is to come. Name: Cameron P. Bose Gender: Male Age: 58 years Rank and MOS: Chief Warrant Officer 5 / Navy Welder Biography: Cameron Bose was one of few men that could see the conflict in Undeas coming from a mile away. His old friend, Peter Firebrand, was another. Bose spent five years feverishly buffing up the UPW’s defences on Tridam dispite all the crazy looks he received. When the first shots in the war with fired, the UPW’s great military minds thanked him personally for the foothold he was able to provide them with in the enemy’s shipyards. He thought they were all idiots. He told them so to their faces. This was why, after the war began, the old welder and architect remained in the most dangerous region of known space instead of serving safely in the inner colonies. Bose believed this was probably for the best. Though he had no authority to command troops, he and Colonial Firebrand were almost singlehandedly responsible for the UPW’s strategy on Tridam. Only the meddling of Vice Admiral Hackett, the supreme commander of the Undeas theater, was there to hold them back. Bose, of course, thought that Hackett was a moron. He even told him so once. Hackett doesn't talk to Bose anymore. Firebrand has asked Bose to take control of a special project on Tridam. One that Bose was happy to accept. Weapon: Standard issue H-26 Officer’s pistol. .44 MAG Revolver, antique. Other Equipment: Modified GRT-45 Tactical body armor, blue instead of standard camo/kakhi. Portable hand-held plasma welder. Stainless Steel flask.