David chuckled at the first, none-serious response. “Hey! That’s not fair!” he quickly responded about it. But in truth he never fully minded the pranks the girl would release on him. But when he heard that she was going to prank Adelle he got a little more serious. Thought before he could react she dragged him from his collar. All the way he was saying: “Hey no. Let go. Oh this is humiliating.” It wasn’t really humiliating. He just let it go. But all the way he was thinking. In Slytherin Adelle was somewhat known. Mostly after she got hit by a Bludger last year. It was one of the many reasons why Gryffindor and Slytherin never really liked each other. On one side David thought that pranking her would be a bad idea. It was only the start of the year. If they already started pulling pranks on each other than by the end of the year not even each other’s dorm rooms wouldn’t be safe. On the other side. He was a Slytherin. She was a Gryffindor. They just had to annoy one another. It was part of being in Slytherin or Gryffindor. Eventually she released his collar when they got near the creature. “Ohn. It actually looks kind of cute.” Then he inched closer to Esme and whispered in her ear: “The castle’s empty. Get the Quidditch chest. Hex a Bludger so it only flies for Adelle and release it. She’ll never see it coming but scream so damn loud.” He then looked back at the creature as if he never ever said something. Though in his mind he was doubting if the idea crossed a certain line. His ideas often crossed the line between funny and dangerous.