[center]----- Lillian Ynyr: Celebrity Party -----[/center] I check my reflection in the mirror for the hundredth, maybe thousandth, time since the party started. I know that I didn’t look any different since the last time I checked, but I couldn’t help it: I wanted to look my best when he came. As an Ynyr, I was used to these types of parties. Those parties packed with important people; a party where only those with power, wealth, and influence were allowed to participate in. A party where everyone wears the most expensive clothes they have and an invisible mask to hide their true thoughts and feelings. There is no “truth” or absolutes in this place. This “party” is not a party for entertainment: it is a business meeting pretending to be a social gathering. Here, anything can happen. Play your cards right and you will increase in power. If you lose, you lose everything. This party is a game called politics. It is a game where I am nothing, but a pawn. Just like he is. We will continue to be the pawns if we don’t learn how to play the game. Not that I care about it. No. I never cared about it. If I ever did care, I cared because he’s here. When we are told the Edrik’s arrived, I check myself one last time before leaving the spot with my father to greet William and Nathaniel Edrik. After going through the formalities, our fathers leave us alone to talk about business. A genuine smile breaks through our masks as we look at each other. “Lily.” My betrothed said. “Nate,” I greet back. --- Nathaniel Edrik was one of many potential husbands my family has been keeping tabs on since before Nathaniel or even I was even born. Like many other families here, a majority of the Ynyr marriages were calculated and based on benefits. Had the house of Edrik been any less influential, I may have never met Nate let alone become his betrothed. At first, I hated the idea. I always dreamed of marrying for love even though I knew that my family would have never allowed it. I hated the fact that my future was already decided without my consent, but nothing could be done about it. This was how things worked in the world I lived in. Nate was nothing to me at first ---just one of the many boys that may or may not be my husband in the future--- but each time we met, I started to like him: it turned out that we had much in common. Eventually, we became friends. When it was just the two of us, we could be who we truly were. I came to think that, if my future husband had to be someone in this lot, it’d be Nate. I wonder when that feeling changed. Now, there is no one else I’d like to marry, but Nate. At the bar, we catch up and tell each other any and all significant things that happened since the last time we saw each other. It did not take long for the conversation to veer into Nancy’s direction. Nate was still grieving over his ex-girlfriend. I know it is pointless to get jealous over a dead woman, but I cannot stop it from happening. It’s difficult to act sympathetic in front of Nate when part of me is glad that Nancy was no longer an obstacle. I am the only place where he can seek comfort: just as it was before Nancy came into the picture; the way it should have always been. “I met Samuela the other day.” I feel my heart turn cold, “who?” “Nancy and Kimberly’s daughter. My uncle and aunt showed her to me the other day when WARG left for a mission.” Nate looks at the turquoise drink in front of him and smiles as if he was looking at Samuela, “you should have saw her. She was absolutely gorgeous. She had her mother’s eyes and my grandmother’s hair... But... I guess I shouldn’t be surprised; my grandmother is Kimberly’s great grandmother... It must have skipped a few generations.” Nate sighs before taking a sip of his drink, “when I looked into those eyes… I… felt like Nancy was there. She was looking at me and… and I… realized that Samuela… Samuela is the last part of Nancy in this world. I don’t know what I would’ve done if father didn’t come to get me.” “Nate,” I try to keep my voice as warm as possible, “Samuela is Kimberly and Nancy’s child. You can’t keep her unless you’re going to call in some favors and ‘legitimately’ kidnap her.” “No,” he answered as I expect he would, “I’ll never be like my father---… or any of these people here.” The Nate I knew was a man of honor, he would never use the Edrik’s influence to make things go in his favor: he wanted to win things using only his skills. “Besides,” I add, “you know what will happen if you do adopt a child before getting married.” Nate chuckles, “my value as a bachelor goes down?” “And my father will get furious.” “Well at least it’ll mean I won’t be forced to marry anyone.” “And leave me to marry some other bastard from this place? You’re a cruel man, Nathaniel Edrik, leaving your only friend behind?” “Oh, you’ll do just fine. It’s not like we won’t see each other again---…” I give him a look as he pauses for a moment, “you’re right. Never mind. Your father would make sure it’d never happen.” “Didn’t I say you’re the only decent man around this place? If I have to marry someone, it might as well be my best friend,” I lie straight in his face. I want him more than anything in the world. Nate smiles weakly as his eyes stare at the drink in his hand. I know that he was thinking of Nancy. Even when he was forced to break up with her once our families decided that we would marry, Nate never truly gave up on her. Even when she married his first cousin (once removed), the two secretly met each other, trying to think of a way to finally be together. But all that dreaming ended when that woman died (come to think of it, I should feel sorry for Kimberly, poor man, oblivious to his wife’s unfaithfulness; at least the [s]harlot[/s] minx is gone and will no longer be able to play with any man’s heart). The woman he wanted is gone, so what reason was there to object to an arranged marriage? I know he doesn’t hate me. Might as well marry someone you know and like instead of some other person you don’t know and possibly wouldn’t like. Right, Nate? “You’re right.” I would have jumped out of my seat and kissed Nate if he didn’t say the words as if he simply gave up. He laughs, “kind of weird though, marrying someone so close you already consider family. It feels incestuous.” It hurts knowing that the man you love only sees you as a friend, a sister at most, but never as a woman. “Ew! That’s a disturbing image that was better unsaid!” Nate laughs and apologizes, offering me a drink. I laugh with him and lean in closer to him as we finally move passed the topic of Nancy. I sometimes wonder if I am no different from the people around me. These people I swore I would never be like. Long time ago, I was able to be myself when I was with Nate… but ever since I realized I loved him, I started to hide my true feelings and my ugly parts. I do my best to play the “best friend” role, but I ache for more. I want Nate: his body and his heart, but I fear rejection. I fear loosing what we have if I cannot get more. So I seduce him subtly. I try to manipulate him so that his heart would sway over to me. I know I am the one for him. I know that I will be able to love and support him… for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health. This feeling is pure: not like the lies littered in this party room. The ugly and dark side of me laughs at me as if to mock me. [i]But she’s not really gone is she? At least half of her still exists in this world in the form of a baby. [/i] Paranoia whispers to me. [i]How long do you think it will take for her to steal his heart too?[/i] I try to ignore it. But it still lingers and it festers. --- [center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/tBWPPIL.png[/img][/center] [center]----- The Anatolian Wilderness: Battle III -----[/center] Kimberly hissed when Blob Prime Alpha spat out teeth-like objects at him. That attack alone hurt enough, yet for a split second before the attack, Kimberly felt as if he had been slashed by another thing; a sensation that felt as if he got slashed by a thorn whip. Before the Blob leader could do anything else, the fiery bear mighty teeth caught its tongue and began pull at it as the lava-saliva started to burn it off. [center][i]You should be careful Kimberly Faye. In exchange for the spirit you borrow from her, anything that happens to Magdalena Abendroth will effect you.[/i][/center] [i]So the damage she receives when we’re linked, hurts me too?[/i] [center][i]Correct.[/i][/center] He was going to need to be more careful than usual if that was the case. Although the ability was not so useful in an area with thick snow, Kimberly attempted to call the earth spirits’ assistance to increase his fiends’ defense, but was met with silence. The giant bear tried again and failed. Not only did he get no response from his spirits, but he also could barely feel their presence. They were there, yet far away. [i]Something is wrong… why can’t I use my spirits?[/i] [center][i]The link between you and Magdalena Abendroth is strong, but fragile. For a single spirit to express their ability in a pool full of earth, sound, and various organism spirits, the spirits within you needs to be silenced. The only reason why we are present is to keep your current form, to prevent Magdalena Abendroth’s fire spirit from mixing into your other spirits, and to stabilize the link. If you wish to use any of your own abilities, you must deactivate the link. [/i][/center] [i]Why do you keep telling me these things after I try it? [/i] [center][i]Would you like us to lecture you on all of the details during battle, Kimberly Faye?[/i][/center] [i]No thank you, but thank you for asking. [/i] The tongue finally give out. Kimberly guessed the only reason why there was no blood when he detached the creature’s tongue from its body was because his current form was actually so hot that it cauterized the wound. The body part that used to be a tongue turned into ash and was carried away by the wind before it could hit the ground. Stunned by what had just happened, the Blob leader did not quickly counter attack Kimberly, so he took the opportunity to give the xenomorph two powerful bear slaps across its face. He felt bits and pieces of the Blob come off as his bear claws scrapped across the creature’s surface. [hider=Summary] [list][*]Kimberly pulled out Blob Prime’s (Alpha) tongue [s]through hardcore french kissing (since he can't pull it out with bear paws)[/s][/*][*]Kimberly bi*ch slaps Blob Prime’s (Alpha) face twice (claws dig in as well) [/*] [/list][/hider]