EXTRA EXTRA! WAR ON THE HOMEFRONT? “Times have been tough in the world, but conflict in the province of Hannsdover certainly takes the cake.” {sic} Sebastian Wiatt. It has been reported that the industrious nation that gave us the first air-plane fifty years ago has finally met a social and political tipping point. The Province of Hannsdover has seen the first shots fired of what is expected to be a long and gruesome civil war. “The government can’t keep pushing people around,” one man explained. “Eventually, something has to give.” But what has led to this bloody chain of events? Only months ago, Governer Leon Hurtz was estimated to have a policy approval rating of about 65%. What has changed? First, these numbers have appeared to have been a complete forgery. A Continental Investigation Team sent from Lithisagna Grove has unearthed shocking evidence of voter intimidation and unlawful use of military force in civilian centers. Just how long has this civil war been brewing? “People have been whispering for a long time.” ex-Colonial Pete Jasper told Lithisagna News Network yesterday. “No one had been brave enough to cry out, though. Now, though, the Handover Federalist Party has everyone looking at them for an explanation. The the Continental Congress convicts them of these charges, no nation on Lithisagna soil will support them. The tyranny is going to end.” The Democratic Congress of Lithisagna has strict international laws supporting human rights, and the revolutionary forces in Hannsdover are sure to receive prompt support from their neighbors. However, some believe that this may have far-reaching consequences for the future. “The federalists are backed by powers in Racksdin. So long as the trade of metals from Hannsdover still reach the shores of nations like Faren and Gatspin, the war on the coast is going to be long, and extremely bloody.” - Jasper. Will this civil war in Hannsdover bring further fighting in mainland Lithisagna? How long can the Federalist Party hold out with their support from the Racksdin dictatorships? Only time will tell. That’s all on the issue for now. Thank you for reading Lithisagna News Network. Shelly Peters, Executive Editor.