[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2081957]Done[/url] If I may.... I just got some things from reading peoples sheets. But I'm not the GM so yeah... @Apollo... can I just say this. I hope Eisen won't mind me saying this but I'll say it anyway. Force Sight, especially for a Mirakula doesn't work the same as regular sight. You're seeing the world in a completely different plain of view. You sense things you don't [i]see[/i] them and that gives you a 360 coverage of your area, it also lets you know more about people just by meeting them. But you don't actually see colours, or what people or things look like. You just know that they're there. @Viet all I'll say is you gotta remember what the Jedi and the Republic did to mandalore recently :P