[i]This public notice is on bulletin boards, and some newspaper space is allocated for it[/i] From the Office of Governer Leon Hurtz Dear Citizens of Hannsdover, It is with a heavy heart I announce that civil war has broken out in our great province. It is indeed a sad day for Hannsdover. In these times, where war and bloodshed are imminent, I ask for your support. The Rebels or the people who preach false lies about the tyranny going on in my office are just using his has slander and a way to make you, the public think differently. Hannsdover is growing greatly has a nation. With the new docks being built in our great neighbour’s of Racksdin, more jobs and trade are promised for the great men and women of Hannsdover! With a humble heart, and a clear state of mind, I ask if you support our troops on the homefront, to remove this rebel threat. Weather it being by working at one of the many factories in Hannsdover, by enlisting in the National Armed Forces of Hannsdover, to even donating to the government of Hannsdover, all is welcomed and needed! [b] Those who support the Federalist Party shall be rewarded greatly! [/b] Sincerely, Leon Hurtz, your Faithful Governor