[b]Nouvelle, Frontier Town of Cherac[/b] Ranan nodded. "Excellent!" he declared exuberantly. "I will have our transport within the next ten-or-so minutes." He ordered his communications and navigation officer in Sazka to contact [i]Might[/i] for a Sparrowhawk transport, with said officer shortly after confirming the order was acknowledged by their superiors. After some time of waiting the droning rumble of a HV-6's J3 PlasmaJet engines could be heard as two balls of fire loomed over the horizon from the mountains. Once it approached closer certain details could be made. It was about 15 meters long, with two slightly angled-down, triangular wings with missile pods underneath. In the front was a tandem cockpit where the pilot and copilot/gunner sat, the Mark IV autocannon relaxing in its positing and its barrels unloaded. As it neared closer to the group the two engine couplings aft of the troop bay swiveled forward, blasting forward a strong gust and a bit of heat as it slowed down. The couplings slowly rotated until the Sparrowhawk was hovering above the group and behind the marines. It lowered three skids and slowly touched down. The troop bays opened with a hiss of yellow gas and the strong smell of chlorine gas. A soldier strode over with two things: a chlorine rebreather and a chlorine breathing tablet for Captain Reynald. He gave these to Captain Seren'kum, who then turned back to the leader of militia. "While not pleasant at first, to get on the ship you're going to have to ingest this capsule. Your species, as we can determine from atmospheric reports, are aerobes and oxygen is toxic to us. As we imagine, chlorine, the gas [i]we[/i] respire, is extremely toxic to you. This capsule will temporarily alter the makeup of your body, causing you to breathe in chlorine gas and excrete carbon tetrachloride gas. It will last about 24 hours which should be enough time for a meeting with the captain of [i]Might of a Thousand Suns[/i], so I insist that you take it and put on the rebreather." After agreeing, Captain Reynald threw the capsule down his gullet. Similar to Captain Suren'kum (Who shortly after Reynald ingested his own and put his helmet back on to adjust to the ship) he had a coughing fit, and swiftly adjusted the rebreather to his face. Captain Suren'kum and the marines led him to the ship. After he got on, the troop bay doors slid closed, and the HV-6's engines ignited as it lifted into the air. It changed its bearings by 180 degrees, and swiveled its engines as it continued back to the destroyer. ----- When looking through the windows on the HV-6 as it cleared the range and reached the plateau, Captain Reynald probably was surprised as to what he believed the "Angel" actually was. PNSS [i]Might of a Thousand Suns[/i], a Trikolo-Class Destroyer, was a colossus of a vessel. About 700 meters long and 100 meters wide, it had a polygonal architecture with a large bridge at the fore of the ship above the bow. Two stabilizing wings towards the rear of the ship balanced it on the plateau as well as the landing pedestals holding the ship up. Maintenance crews and drones were making repairs to areas damaged by the emergency exit from Slipstream Space while Sparrowhawk VTOL's and AV-1 Furosi Fighters, heavily-modified variants of the HV-6 used for aerial combat, flew practice runs to refresh pilots after the long journey through space. Maintenance checks and practice fires were being performed on the ship's 100 magnetic accelerator cannons as well as its missile launchers, plasma emitters and legions of point-defense cannons. The Sparrowhawk dodged into one of the destroyer's two ship bays, which carried many VTOL and strike aircraft as well as two dropships. They touched down on the obsidian-colored landing pad, where many soldiers came to greet them. At this point Captain Reynald had removed the rebreather and stepped out, drawing many a stare from fascinated sailors. Most of them wore their powered armor, while a handful wore naval dress uniforms. One of those in the uniform was High Marshal Surek'sum. Compared to other sailors milling about, Marshal Surek'sum was a bit smaller, however, the posture and look of the experienced sailor completely trumped physical size. She was in Sazkarjhit standard naval dress, with a white and blue suit consisting of many adornments and red and silver stripes on broad shoulderpads identifying her rank as High Marshal. She was about as tall as Captain Reynald, with blunt horns and two yellow stripes running down the middle of her forehead and sides of her face. She stood crisply at an attention-like stance, her stone-cold, glossy black eyes locked onto Reynald. After a short amount of time she broke this gaze with a smile, offering her hand in greeting. "Welcome aboard PNSS [i]Might of a Thousand Suns[/i], Captain Reynald. I've heard a few things about you and seen through my troops' helmet cameras who you are. You seem like a good man. I am High Marshal Safarat Surek'sum, captain of this fine ship. Why don't we go to the bridge of my ship? I'm certain there is much to tell you as much as you can tell us!" she declared. [b]Frontier Colony Near Sol System[/b] [i]"This is Govenor Yara'kum of the colony of Erarak. We accept your offer and you are willing to work alongside the titanium mines we have here. However, you will be under strict military observation due to security concerns regarding newfound races."[/i]