"They won't like [i]us[/i], but they might just tolerate the humans. If I go, I'll take one with me." But the two did raise some good points, one they themselves hadn't gotten around to thinking about yet. They listened to Lilith, and in the same tone, "The problem then becomes even finding an angelic; they're all so devoted to their god...I'd rather not." Micah gave a brief smile to her as she walked back. Hell didn't take traitors lightly, something they remembered clearly. Micah sat back, looking at the empty piece of paper in front of them and scribbling ideas down in their native language. Micah took the rag, laying it down next to the paper. "I'll work on this more. Personally, I believe we're trying to force events that would come naturally in time, so it has to be perfect." They sighed, shaking their head. They had always been fine with letting the parties do their work until events started to unfold naturally. "We could also take everyone by surprise, and organize something close to our hit and run parties, except on a larger scale. Each side is so focused on each other it would be hard to manage a third party so suddenly." It was clear that plan was off the top of their head, but if they were the only one throwing ideas down, they might as well throw them all. Thy also didn't want to go to the White City unless they absolutely had to, even if it was their own plan. Holy weapons weren't things to be ignored.