Nation Sheet --- Position on Map - [hider=Large image][img][/img][/hider] Name: The Holy Realm of Manram. [Last Land/Final Place] Flag: [img][/img] Capital: Shu Zidish. [City of Ascension] Other Major Settlements: - Shu Ishadish. [City of Honorable Deed] - Al-Kazidish. [Palace of Crimson Sand] - Yu-Hazid. [Fortress of Crimson Snow] Population: 2,750,000. Races: - Human. [Gu-dal] - Winterfolk. [Shuzidad] - Winterbeasts. [Shuzimal] - Forestfolk. [Deledad] - Forestbeasts. [Delemal] Culture: The culture of Manram is rich amongst the rich and poor amongst the poor. The cities often uphold a more existant cultural display whilst the farmland looks less culturally advanced as that within the massive, yet magnificent walls. When Gu-dal wandered their way to Manram, they had nothing, and considering how they came from nothing to this, their ability to uphold standards and advance culturally has displayed that they, in fact, hold power. However, the further you reach into the north, the further you reach towards the Garam. [Badland] It is here civilization struggles to survive, and the military activity is an everyday reminder, they are far more than simple city guard. On the northren front, facing the glacial walls of Shazadram, [Upper Ice land] lies Yu-Huridur [Fortress of Guardians]. Whilst it isn't a major settlement, it's duty is far greater than any other. The fortress seperates the Upper northern lands and the furtile settlements of the most southern parts of the Northern lands. Here, atop the fortress walls which climbs for hundreds of meters, you can barely see fifty feet ahead of you. The snow blows like a storm and the wind is no nicer than it's cold brother. Yu-Huridur is home to the most royal warriors of Manram, and they fight every day to fend off the beasts and icy folk of the northern lands. These warriors are the Knights of Gu-dal. [Man] These knights are all that protects the country of Manram from the Northern threats of the icy tundra. Dependant on which district of Manram you are located, the North, South, West, or East, you will be dependant on different resources and the areas will have different cultural advancements, however each district is ruled by one settlement, and from those the settlements branch out, slowly growing poorer in appearance, performance and maintenance. The further you go from the district capital, the more military might you will approach, until you finally see the Ga Dashal [Walls of Seperation] who perform the duty of keeping people in, and danger out. The land of Manram is incredibly dangerous, and therefore it depends on a strenghty, large and powerful defence force, however even with that, they are fighting for survival every day, and the battle isn't easy. Crimes: Crime is prevelant amongst the tightly packed cities of Manram, however the local military garrisons perform both defencive watching duties and control of crime in the neighboring areas. Whilst crime is very popular, the criminals are often caught and put to justice, however the bloody idea of justice that the people of Manram hold is quite sinister, and those who commit sin will have their heads amongst the Monodir-af-Gulshiz, [Pillars of Scaling] all criminals have the right to have their skulls placed amongst the thousands other criminals beneath the Monodir-af-Gulshiz's catacombs. The surface monument that is the pillar, often acts as the execution place and then the head is carried down into the tomb where the head lies, wether he wanted it or not, the head still ends up in the tomb. The most miniscule crime often serves horrible consequences amongst the soldiers who uphold justice within the cities. Stealing, for example, is punishable with involentary slavery. The consequences of most crimes are decided by the scale, or so to speak, by giving the exact opposite of what they did as punishment, however, in a more brutish form. If you steal, you will serve. If you kill, you will die. So on, it's quite an easy, but brutish system and it's upheld by the Gufir, [Scalers] They act in the royal house as the upholders of anti-criminal law and punishment. Government type: Absolute Imperialism. The ruler, Gu-Shedal [Emperor/Man who was chosen to lead] Mundir Khazidu is the acting ruler, and beneath him are the district heads. The heads of each district then have each a council of 750 advisors who help them support their individual districts. The Gu-Shedal also has a council, however they consist of the four district leaders as well as the heads of the Seven Holy Orders who act as the most royal military organization in Manram. The Emperor has absolute authority, however the council is allowed to forward their opinions without immediate legal consequences. People in power: - [url=]Mundir Khazidu.[/url] [Absolute Monarch] - Khalid Fuhdir [Northern District Head] - Gufud Khalif [Eastern District Head] - Dal Hamid [Southern District Head] - Fumi Sulid [Western District Head] Imperial Military Leaders: - [url=]Imperia[/url] [Royal Serpent Order Head/First Lady] - [url=]Valorid[/url] [Valorous Tiger Order Head] - [url=]Eradiok[/url] [Red Sea Order Head] - [url=]Gu[/url] [Order of Gu-dal Head] - [url=]Dos[/url] [Order of Truth Head] - [url=]Mon[/url] [Order of the Left Path Head] - [url=]Defestis[/url] [Crimson Hammer Order Head] Industry: The economic might relies a great deal on it's ability to recieve a wide variety of materials, elements and resources from multiple types of environments. The fact that Manram lies on four different ecological zones is no coincidence, it was all planned in great detail before the Wander began, and still, to this day, the citizens of Manram rely on the plans given to them over a thousand years prior. Through this, and local manufacturing, Manram has survived. Military: The military of Manram is a very deep structure which harnesses from the original founders principles and ideas. Whilst the Districts serve the districts own needs, they uphold the ability to defend, and maintain their citizens and their property through military power, the establishment of multiple orders has become a grounding rule in the land. With the Royal Serpent Order being the original one, the idea branched out and now seven orders serve seven different roles, all awaiting for their names to be called in the act of defence or service of their ruler. Whilst the District forces are far greater in number than that of the orders, they are also equipped more like conscripts, keeping to cheap materials and equippment to supply a massive army of expendables. However, whilst cheap, they are by no means unable to protect, they are simply the most basic thing needed to fight the dangers beyond the Walls of Enoch. [The Original] The Orders, on the other hand, are directly funded by the royal vault, and due to their small number, they are far more equipped than any regular footsoldier, whilst they rarely see the light of day due to their religious devotion and their alien like rules, they are very versatile and only Mundir Khazidu knows what happens behind the walls of any order monastery. The Orders themselves are very different in structure and appearance, however one thing remains certain, only one may rule the order in the place of an Order head, that head serves the Gu-shedal directly. Landscape/Terrain: The lands of Manram vary greatly, in the north there is great tundras of snow and cold wind, with massive icy peaks and mountains who climb to the heavens, and whilst that rages on, in the East there are great hill lands, covered with rich pine forests and fruitful farmland, and then to the west, there is the great jungles filled with the most exotic of beasts and birds. Then in the lowest reaches of Manram, to the south, there lies a sorrowful mirky land of thick and tall forests reaching nearly a hundred meters in height, great lakes and swamps, and many horrible dangers lurk. Basically, the land of Manram holds four different ecological zones, each divided into one district. They are very rich in material and ores, with the most exotic ores being in the North and the most rich forests being in the south-east regions. History: During times long since passed, in a place long since forgotten, there were men and women who's names have been marked in history as voids in the records. These voids fled, and fled, and fled. But finally they found their promise land and they dubbed it Manram. These voids then settled down and formed their houses and villages in these lands, rapidly populating it through human nature. This continued on with time, and soon walls were raised, cities constructed and trees put to the ground. But this time would pass, great dangers make themselves known and many would change their worlds to that of the dead. Manram is based on many cultures and principles, and prides itself on being culturally rich in all aspects, however you cannot force those who have no need for culture to take on and practice it. Therefore, through the defence of it's citizens, Manram has prided itself for it's seemingly eternal defence against it's many enemies. This has become a historical and cultural heritage that even the farmers pride themselves on. And up to this day, Manram continues to be known as the Land of Eternal Siege, however, behind those great and scarred walls lies a land of promise. A rich land which simply gets richer. Whilst there is trouble, there is also light. [hider=Grandakar] [img][/img] Natural abilities - [*]Greater muscle structure and blood circulation, therefore increased physical strenght and ability.[/*] [*]Long lifespan.[/*] Lifespan - 150~ Homeland - Snowy regions of Manram. Can also be found within the Imperial Orders of the Holy Realm. [/hider]