Rather than put her textbook back into her bag, Siobhan merely grabbed it, intending on carrying it instead. The amount of time it would take to fasten all the clips again was [i]so[/i] not worth being targeted by Slughorn for some more dull ramblings. Unfortunately, they were slightly too late as her least favourite professor offered her an invite to a 'get-together'. Ew. Politics -- politics and schmoozing. That was a Slytherin's job. Alistair would probably kill her for missing such an opportunity, but then again, he probably would've been offered it too. Siobhan peered at Kyle curiously for a second before glancing over at Slughorn. "I think I'll might be available, Professor, but I'll have to check," she said politely. "Am I allowed to bring a [i]friend[/i]?" The professor didn't look pleased, obviously reluctant as he formulated a response. "Ah, I believe other students are bringing a plus one with them..." As soon as he started speaking, Siobhan grinned, already well on her way out the door. She just about dragged Kyle with her by the sleeve of his robes. Calling out, "Thanks, Professor! I'll see what I can do!" She hurried along the corridor until the Potions classroom was well out of sight before turning again to Kyle. "If I have to suffer, so do you. Besides, it can't be [i]that[/i] boring."