Hope this is alright, but please tell me if anything seems to OPish or vague. She's kind of like a villain at first, but can be won over. Name: Eve/Ira (Wrath) No last name. Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: [hider=Eve][IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/rh2xb7.jpg[/IMG][/hider] Exactly like the image, only both of her horns are complete, and she doesn't have any hair accessories. Eve usually only wears her armor when fighting or when she is acting as Ira, other than that she just wears casual outfits, along with various accessories to hide her horns. She is rather short girl, with long black hair and red eyes which contrast with her pale skin. A set of black, pointed horns come from her head. Personality: Eve is usually a quiet, blunt person when unprovoked. She is brutally honest, sometimes coming off as rude, and has a great deal of sarcasm to give out. Smiling and laughing are a rare occurrence for her, and she remains cold and hateful towards others. Impressing Eve is not an easy feat, as she prefers not to show any emotion except bitterness. However, she is easily angered. When Eve is angry, all hell breaks loose. She has a hard time suppressing her rage, and will snap at others, sometimes becoming violent when extremely enraged, which is how she earned the title 'Ira'. She is actually afraid of herself, and is dazed and distant when she returns to normal and seeing the destruction she caused. Has a soft spot for children and animals, and is bisexual. Skills: She can hold her own in a fight, be it hand to hand or verbal, but relies more on her summoning. Can bake a mean apple pie. Abilities: Wrath: She has above an average girls strength, but prefers not to use it. When in an extremely angered state, Eve disregards her surroundings, focusing on destroying whatever it is that has caused her outburst. She often destroys objects around her and causes harm. It seems as if she doesn't have any emotion except the wish to destroy, but with enough prying she can be reached and brought back to a normal, sober state. Summoning: Eve can summon and control a certain number of creatures, using them to defeat her opponents. However, each summons requires blood from the summoner and a reward for the summoned one. Rewards vary for each, although most are paid in sweets or something else they desire. The reward must be of equal value as to why they were summoned and how much energy the summoned spent on a task. Commonly requested beings: -Nightmares: A dark, wispy, figure, which shift between forms. Original form is a black mist. They envelope their prey, slowly suffocating them and causing hallucinations. Eve prefers not to use them, given they creep even her out. - Yig: A white snake with cloudy white eyes. Most commonly requested by Eve, it changes size to either a small corn snake or a large anaconda. Good for spying and getting out of sticky situations. -Behemoth: An extremely large, indescribable animal. Black, with glowing green and red patterns. It hulks around, its huge hands trailing along the floor. Probably the closest to Eve, given how they are both easily angered and are particularly attached to sweets. She is slightly resistant to heat, being able to withstand temperatures well over the human body when in her Daemon Armor. In close contact she is fine, but she is vulnerable to long distance and mental attacks. Illusions throw her mind off balance, especially when enraged as she is focused on destroying and cannot think very well. By aiming at the right spot( anywhere skin shows) with a long distance weapon (Crossbow, rifle, etc), she will take damage. Her healing is the same as an average humans. She is actually afraid of herself, and is often in a shocked daze when she sees the destruction caused by herself. Because of thus she tries very hard to remain calm, taking medication and visiting her sister to relieve stress often. Equipment: -Daemon armor: Protects her body from most normal physical attacks, but only to a certain degree. (Cannot stop a car from harming her, but can stop the blow of a fist or side arm shot.) - Long blade: A sword Eve inherited from her grandfather. Used for normal sword purposes, such a fighting. -Short blade: A smaller, easily hid blade that she uses to cut herself for blood when summoning. -Cape: Flaps majestically. Gets caught in fans. Brief Backstory: [hider=backstory] Being the first daughter of a rich family, Eve was expected to have a successful future and marry to a rich man. Her family often pressured her to be a perfect, prim maiden. When tasks were not done correctly, her parents shunned her, shutting her out or subtly insulting her. Then Tiffany came. Tiffany was the second daughter, and the youngest of the family. Tiffany was sickly, but always was there for Eve. It seemed as if Eve was the younger sister, with Tiffany always being the one to support her. Everything was normal, until Eve's powers started appearing when she was 13. Strange animals started following her around, there one minute and gone in the next. Slowly, more animals began taking a liking to her, and you could either find her with her sister or with animals. One day, she noticed something strange about her face. Two stumps were coming from her head, causing her to panic. She left her estate, hiding out in the garden until Tiffany came to find her. Tiffany did not scream or call her an abomination like her parents, but instead, took her hand and told her that 'she was still her sister, and nothing could change that'. They left, seemingly disappearing. In all actuality, they had settled down in a small town by the name of Greenfield, Tiffany being enrolling into school while Eve took a part time job at small diner. Two years later, Tiffany was injured in a squabble between two super humans, her entire lower half becoming paralyzed. Eve was devastated, realizing that her sister was never going to walk again. She deemed that people with powers like what she had seen were a threat to everyone, and vowed from that day on to stop super humans from hurting others. She does not particularly care whether you are a 'villain or 'hero', and does not regard herself as either. [/hider]