When she reached the kitchen door, Per could hear Orren talking to someone. It was strange, being on the team with them. They had been so great together as kids, but she couldn't help but feel her move still stood between them. She had just up and left, right when he needed her. She tried not to bring it up - she felt guiltier about that than anything else. She wanted to lapse back into their friendship from before, when they knew what the other was thinking just by saying one word. But a lot had happened in eleven years. They had both changed, for better or worse, and now their friendship seemed to have a completely different language. New letters, new words, new variables. The only things that still seemed present were themselves, and the feeling she got around him. That, despite time, had not changed. His voice still sent electricity through her veins, and just seeing him have her butterflies. And then, of course, there was how he looked. Time had not been cruel to him. His awkward thirteen-year-old body had filled out more than nicely. When she entered the kitchen, she got a magnificent view of just how much he did have now. God, if she could only be his super suit and get to hug him in all the right places. He found his pan and straightened and, realizing she was starting to drool, Persephone turned into the pantry. It looked like breakfast was going to be eggs and steak and whatever else Takeshi had cooked this morning. Per grabbed the bread and pulled a piece from the bag before setting it back on it's shelf. She toasted it in her hand and moved back into the kitchen, buttering it and then making herself a cup of coffee, which she immediately downed. By then some eggs were ready and she took a few on a plate. She set everything down and grabbed the empty mug and turned and- Aaahhhh! Per dropped her mug and fell backwards against the kitchen counter, screaming violently. Her body shook with terror. All she had done was turn around, and then he had just been right there, inches away, staring down at her with that fucking creepy smile. There were no such things as monsters under the bed, Per knew that. But monsters a few rooms down from you? Dylan was living proof that was true. This happened all the time. He would sneak up on her and she would freak out uncontrollably. Thankfully, the rest of the house had caught on quick to not give her anything breakable if Dylan was in the area. The mug she had dropped at the sight of his face was plastic, and had just bounced a little and rolled away. When she managed to catch her breath, she looked around warily. Usually, when he scared her this bad, something lit on fire. Flames caught the corner of her eye, and she found the mug that had fallen and rolled away burning in the corner. "Shit," she said, scrambling over to grab it and put it out. By the time she got there the top had melted, and she let out a groan of frustration before throwing it out. No more coffee for her today. First she couldn't sleep, then Dylan scared the shit out of her, and then she burned her coffee mug. Of fucking course. Her mouth twisted into an angry frown and she headed back to her plate of food, keeping a careful eye on Dylan's whereabouts around the kitchen as she sat down with the others to eat.