Jaden held the rifle he found tightly and raised it with a nervous like wave. "That's close enough." he called back, not entirely sure he was even aiming in the right direction. "Who are you?" He called out again. His eyes were able to find shapes now but a lot of it was still only a blur. He could feel the heat of the sun on his damp skin. He couldn't see how badly he had been bleeding but he was used to fighting through pain. Augments meant you had to in this day and age. He could still feel what must have been a fire to the distance. No doubt the transport they were sent to secure had been destroyed by the explosion along with the rest of the escort. Bloody marauders, they just loved to trash what they couldn't hold on to. Jaden was trying to remember what had happened in his head only minutes prior to losing consciousness. last thing he could remember was what seemed to be a launcher striking the side of the armored truck he was perched on after a quick firefight over possession of the supply train. Obviously someone wasn't happy with the loss of merchandise. not surprising in a world where even toilet paper could be a luxury item. Still holding the rifle out at the rough location he heard the voice calling from, jaden tried to squint and make out any shape that was roughly humanoid before finally taking aim at what could have been a person. A shame he hadn't realized it was just a dead cactus half burnt from the sun...