[b]Atami[/b] - 2spooky Atami, who had kept quiet during the entire ordeal with the dead.. or rather, undead Crowire. He just stood in a corner somewhere in the inn, overlooking the 'chaos' as the two police officers started discussing back and forth a bit, seeming to be rather.. calm given the fact that there was just an undead Crowire in front of them, who mere seconds later collapsed once more as a bullet shot it down. Atami approached a bit closer to make sure he was in hearing range. He was unsure whether or not he should interrupt the discussion to introduce himself, but he believed that he'd have been spotted either way. The Inn didn't seem all [b]that[/b] bustling with activity. So he let them finish their little discussion, before they told them to go upstairs if they were uncomfortable, or otherwise to follow them. This would probably be the most suitable time to introduce himself, as there would be no introductions mid-battle to be made. “Excuse me. I'm Atami, and I'm a trainer. I figured that perhaps you'd like to know my name, as we might be doing battle against these.. creatures, side by side.” He tried to smile, but it was obvious that he didn't feel particularily happy being here. “It is nice to meet all of you, though.. I wish we'd have met in more fortunate times.” But as he said these nice, friendly words, his eyes stayed in their ever semi-aggressive state, his face stuck in a constant grimace of anger. Without moving a bit, Atami's Mythari would come out of his linnen wrap around his upper arm, where his relic was located. It moved itself onto Atami's shoulder, it's long tail moving slightly on his back before moving back up over his other shoulder. He looked over the group once more, and then took his leave together with the officers. When they went outside, it seemed a few of the undead Natrelmon from the horde had not yet fully passed by, and the officers sprung into action without warning, jumping towards the nearest of the undead Natrelmon or undead humans, which seemed to be relatively fresh for an undead. The first of the undead met it's fate rather quickly, being punched into a wall, and even though Atami couldn't see the undead land, the sound of cracking bones made damn sure to notify everyone of what had happened. The other officer made a quick end to another undead, shooting it and dropping it down dead. Once more. Atami was impressed with their skills in fighting, but seemed unimpressed with the undead. It seemed they went down rather quickly, but he was unable to determine if this was because of the undead themselves or because the officers were remarkably good at what they did. It was good that he paid attention to the officers, as it lead to him spotting a crawling undead.. something. It looked like a human, but it's leg must've been ripped off. The mist covered most of it, luckily, so Atami didn't have to watch the .. thing's entrails drag behind it. Slowly the crawling man tried to make it's way to one of the officers, whose name Atami didn't remember, as he wasn't even sure if he'd heard it at all or if he'd simpy forgotten it. Atami slowly walked over, looking down at it as it's hands pulled it mere inches closer to the officers, who could walk and still be faster than this. It was rather sad, seeing the undead woman. Inspecting the body, before it'd try and grab Atami, he noticed that the lower body was torn off by something different than a natrelmon, as there was no claw marks or bite marks. Rather, the flesh was cut straight, as if it had been done by a big knife. A sword? Could be, but it seemed to have happened in a slow fashion, rather than a quick slice of the sword. Maybe an accident with a bigger tool. He took a step back to give himself some time to investigate down the street, the slow crawling zombie trying to turn it's body to Atami. And surely enough, the mist covered most of the street, but in the distance he could make out the slight shape of a bulldozer, with the blade lowered. It seemed to have been released, and then must've fallen down on this poor woman, dissecting her legs from her body. The legs were still laying there, unmoved. She had no chance to escape from the horde and likely turned into one of them as a result. Pathetic. “I guess I should relieve you from whatever this is.” he said, kneeling down before the crawling undead woman, her long blonde hair already beginning to somewhat fall out. He grabbed whatever hair there was left and stood up, dragging her body up as he got up as well. He had to adjust his grip slightly as more hair was falling out, so he grabbed the skull instead. The relative freshness of the body seemed to be important, as the flesh didn't look as damaged as the natrelmon which had turned earlier. He took a step back with his right foot, and then launched his knee into the womans face, crushing it in the progress. He took another step back and repeated the steps until he was quite sure she'd be permanently dead. Atami just hoped the family wouldn't have to bury her like this, face mashed in. “Okay.” he said, as he dropped the body and wiped his hands on his pants. He'd fall back in line with the rest, following the officers.