[b]Ace.[/b] Well things had certainly gone to shit in the last few minutes, she wasn't sure what had happened but apparently there were supers in the room, not a wholly pleasant notion, so before anything more could happen and she could 'get to work' disrupting it a gun had been drawn and. Well things went a bit foggy then, she remembered hearing a shot fire out, she remembered seeing some guy move rather quickly, too quickly, out of the way and then she remembered a dull thud followed by a searing pain shoot through her hip. Then she was looking at the ceiling, it wasn't a brilliant sight really, it was kind of disgusting actually and for a moment things went black. Next she heard was some more shots followed by voices muttering about getting the hell out of here. Great, so she was going to be left to die? Were those supers or people? Either way it was rather typical of them, too busy caring about their own skin, not that she could blame them. Blinking away the fog from her eyes she turned her gaze about to find her duffle bag. Her head swam but she ignored that in favour of grabbing the bag with her left arm and with a sound between what would have been a scream had she not bitten her lip and a grunt she rolled up onto her good leg. The pain was astonishing and it was all she could do not to faint again but she'd come here with a goal in mind and she planned to fulfill that goal, she didn't have any clue if the rift had had any affect on her and honestly she didn't care, right now Ace was all about survival. There were warped monsters on the floor of the room and she hoped, she prayed that her friend Michelle wasn't among them, hobbling up to her feet and biting back a scream of disgust as one of these monsters long tongues unfurled and slapped across her boot she shivered and shuffled to a control panel. Wrenching open her bag she pulled out a foot long fat but cylindrical device. Those in the know would know it to be a pipe bomb, though this one was modified enough to, with luck, destroy the rooms contents but leave most of the surrounding area intact. Briefly Ace found her gaze pulled to the rift, to the shapes dancing within it and to a whispering she couldn't quite hear. Shaking her head she finished the set up and with a flick of a switch the little device was counting down silently to the time it was going to blow up. "Well gents." She grunted over the noise in the room, wincing as she fast hobbled to slap them both on the shoulder. "I recommend catching up about...oh...fifty feet that way as soon as its convenient to you." Despite the pain she flashed an award winning, cheesy grin before wincing and all but doubling over, clutching at her hip which was already soaked through with blood. "Your choice though." She uttered, a whimper from the pain escaping into her otherwise jovial sounding tone and then, with bag slung back onto her shoulder she started to hobble to the door she'd been lead in through.