Molly had been sleeping uneasily for she had many dreams of night creatures attacking her while she slept. She had her stars in her pouch and the hair knives in her hair but her fighting fan had fallen out of her hand as she slept. All night she leaned one way or the other, sometimes forwards or backwards, only to jerk herself upwards before drifting off to an uneasy sleep. Her last dream as not about animals attacking her but the people in this so called academy. It was nothing like what she thought it would be like at all..... Wearily, Molly was awaken by a furry face growling in her face. She slapped it and yelled "Go brush your teeth, you brute..... sheeesh......" Molly spoke to the young wolf. The wolf stumbled back then growled and attacked Molly in full force, knocking her backwards. Molly was now fully awake and reach for one of her hair knives and stabbed the wold in the eye for that was the only thing she could see well enough since they glowed. She then bent the knife backwards and put all of her weight on the wolf's head, which snapped it's neck. Now she was totally angry and went out of the tent with her bloody hair knife in her hand as she yelled "Who in the name of Hades put that wolf in my tent! I had to kill it to escape it........" she looked about to see that there were other wolves about....... "What have I gotten myself into this time?" she whispered to herself.