[quote=GamingOwl] Alex Exodus Male 20 Worked at the church and hoping to be the father one day He was just a baby when his parent's abandoned him at the front door of a church and was raised to always believe in God. So when the outbreak happened all the people in the church gave their lives to save him from the infected. He always trusts God and never forgets his religion also he prays every night since he was raised like that. He will get really mad if you use the lord's name in vain and if someone is cursing but other than that he is a good guy who is faithful and trustworthy. He uses a katana as his weapon to release people from their misery of being one of Satan's minions to send to heaven so they can't suffer any more When it comes to killing zombies he gets real serious and kill more than he needs to. So if after a zombie fight he might come back with a huge smile across his face. He also reads the bible sometime too during a good part of the night. And he usually wears the father's robe because the father gave it to him before he left the church as a good-bye present. [/quote] Welcome to the RP.