Name: Kadan Vicitius Gender: Male Species: Human Age: 35 Homeworld: Dantooine. Physical Appearance: [hider=Kadan][IMG][/IMG] He stands 5'11 and weighs 180 pounds. He wears the standard dark Sith robes and boots, underneath the robes he wears lightweight black armor which provides some protection against explosions and smaller bladed weapons. [/hider] Personality: Kadan is a dedicated Sith warrior who believes strongly in justice and order, seeing the dark side as a way to help him gain the power in order to spread his "perfect" form of order across the stars. But he does not see the Force as black and white as Sith and Jedi do, seeing advantages and disadvantages to both sides, he has gained this insight from experiencing both sides of it, as a former Jedi and current Sith. Despite this, he favors the dark side of the Force, using his anger, hatred and passion in order to unleash the full strength of his powers, he just realizes that both sides can be harassed. He despises the Jedi, seeing their way of ignoring emotions and what he sees as a perceived fear of the Force as idiotic and unnatural. In battle he puts himself above his soldiers, seeing them as essential cannon fodder and he expects them to fall in line and fight with him. He does respect the strongest of soldiers, and recognizes a powerful ally when he finds them. He is utterly driven by his own goals, not letting anyone get in his way, he is willing to strike down anyone who tries to stop him. In non combat situations he is a calm, calculating individual who will put on a facade of friendliness and understanding in order to get what he needs. Skills: - He is excellent with a lightsaber, able to take on Jedi with supreme confidence. - Force training. - He knows the following lightsaber forms: Shii-Cho, Makashi and Soresu. He is best at Makashi, able to duel other lightsaber wielders with excellent ability in the form. - A solid hand to hand combatant. Equipment: Kadan always carries [url=]his lightsaber[/url], a curve hilted weapon which emits a pulsing red blade, the other item he carries is a communications device. Powers: - Basic abilities (Pull, push, grip, sense, jump, etc) - Force lightning - Force choke - Mind trick - Force blinding Flaws: - Terrible with firearms, just absolutely bad, he would rather risk running up and punching someone than trying to shoot them. - An incredibly average pilot, he can fly a ship, just no better than the average person can. - Headstrong, he likes getting his own way, he will take orders from someone who he agrees with and respects, but tends to go his own way with things. Personal History: Born to the typical loving family on Dantooine, both of his parents were engineers, often out of the house. At a very early age, around five, a Jedi knight came to his family's household and sensed that Kadan was force sensitive. He was taken from his family live every other potential force user the Jedi found and brought to the Jedi academy. He never saw his parents again, figuring that at this point in his life they'd be dead. At the academy he learned the ways of the Force, showing potential in lightsaber combat as well as powers of the Force. He excelled through the Jedi ranks, eventually becoming a padawan and being assigned to a beautiful Twi'lek Jedi master, who he began to develop feelings for as he reached the end of his training under her. He of course never acted upon these feelings as they were forbidden under the Jedi code. This was the beginning of his frustration with the Jedi as he didn't understand how feelings of love were shunned by the Jedi, it just felt uncomfortably strange to him. He reached the rank of Jedi knight and as such was free to go on his own missions for the council. His first several missions were uneventful, typical boring ones that often had him play peacekeeper or scaring away bandits. The turning point in his life came four years after his knighthood, at the age of twenty seven he was sent to a small planet along with two other fellow knights in order to investigate rumors of an upcoming assault by slavers. The rumors were correct, as shortly after the Jedi arrived, Trandoshan slavers assaulted in massive groups in an attempt to secure the village and take the residents as slaves. The battle initially started well, as the Jedi held off the small scout groups, then the brute of the attacking force hit, eventually killing the two other Jedi. Kadan survived the battle, though after watching his two companions get cut down his emotions got the best of him and he let his anger affect him. He snapped, slaughtering every single slaver, even the ones that had surrendered. The most disturbing part was that he felt no regret over it as he fully believed the slavers deserved it. He became more disinterested and lost with the Jedi way the months after, eventually coming on contact with a Sith lord who drew him to the Sith. He ended up embracing the Sith after seeing their differences from the Jedi. He eventually gained a reputation among the Sith after showing his full commitment to the cause, like many Sith before him he struck down his master once he was confident his teachings were complete. He currently has no apprentice, not yet finding one he sees as worthy. Extra/Other: N/A