Vida was busy watching the people of the town when a couple of the people of their group wandered off. As normally as they were she could not remember a time when her and her own family walked down the street laughing and linking arms. Her head turned away from the normal people before her eyes did. Suddenly she found them darting between the people that were still there. Nervously she stepped away from them and then scanned the crowd until she found the two girls that had already left. [i] “Should I follow?” [/i] Giving little thought to the question that she asked herself she followed behind them sheepishly. She could feel her feet moving in the shoes that she was wearing. They were much too big for her; no doubt that she would have blisters before the end of the day. She stopped for a moment to adjust her shoes slightly. At this time she was able to see a sight that was a normal assurance in the city. A pick-pocket. “Wait!” She yelled at the guy that had stolen something from someone in her group. “A thief!” Vida looked at the others, but did not wait for them. She took off after the thief. She shuffled through the crowd with practiced easy. The crowds here were nothing compared to the rush hour shifts at the subways. She found herself slighting her arm between people as if it were a wedge to make room for her. “Wait!” She turned to pass around some people trying her best not to touch them. “She needs that!” There was no doubt in her mind that the guy could hear her. After running everyday in the city so that she would not be late to work she was confident in her speed and her endurance. One of them would have to give out soon and she doubted it would be her. He was right in front of her now. All she had to do was reach out and grab him. She threw her hand out almost able to seize his arm then at the last minute froze. Fear from earlier forcefully made its way into her mind. Her body was frozen. She could not do anything but watch the man get further away. [i] “Useless.” [/i] “What?” Her hand dropped and her head looked around.