Right, so the werewolf was prepping another fire attack, the demon prince was floating ominously in the air above the plateau, and the dragoness was conjuring a flaming sword and charging directly toward him. In Arthur's mind, it was easy to prioritize these various actions, and the list was currently topped by the flaming sword rushing at his chest. He brought his own lightning blade across to catch the flames of the girl, if his own elemental energy could solidify, then after all, why not hers too? It was due to this reasoning that his eyes widened in surprised then his jaw clenched in pain as the flaming blade simply passed through his own and burned a swath across his chest, igniting his vest and shirt and leaving angry red burns along the skin in its wake. The heat suffused the dermis that it touched, even going so far as to affect the muscle beneath, but the damage it caused would only be superficial in the long run, thanks in large part to the brevity of the contact. In retaliation, and to gain distance, he swept his own blade back across the abdomen of his opponent, moving from left to right as he backpedaled, jumping over the now seated primitive behind him. Even in the midst of the surprise and sudden pain caused by her attack, he at least managed to maintain that much presence of mind. When he landed, he gripped the right shoulder of his shirt with his left hand and tore the inflamed fabric free of his body, tossing it to the side where it fell to the snow and smoldered. Now shirtless, he was still as unaffected by the cold as he had been before. "Clever trick, young dragoness. Do not expect it to work a second time." He now stood with both hands on his sword, with the blade held out toward his nearest opponent and angled slightly upwards.