Raphael was about a mile away from hell on earth and could finally see the force gathered outside it. He could make out a large mass of demons and even a few greater demons. He pulled his blessed swords out of the backs of the two demons he had ran into and took off full Sprint towards the outpost. With his speed he was able to cross the span in a matter of minutes. Before he could think of a way in from his side he ran into a small group of demons trying to sneak over the wall. He tackled the middle one, stabbing both of his blades through its spine. Before the other two could react he hopped up, slitting ones throat and driving his other blade through the last ones chest. The commotion had attracted others, so before they could get to him he knelt done and jumped straight over the wall. He landed in front of a group of three of the defenders where he heard the female say she would help. He looked at them and said" where do you need me." With a slight smirk.