[B]Morning before 2Spooky[/b] Amelia had gone to the library the next morning and spent the day researching breeding techniques for her and Kito. She had found a cryptic page that included Ocalia returning from the grave, but nothing about breeding. She rubbed her eyes. Research always made her tired. It was about time to give up. Amelia hadnt found anything of worth for a couple hours now. A book with no cover caught her eye. The book itself seemed old and well worn, but at the same time, like no one had touched it for a while. She picked up the book and put it on the table. The spine cracked as she opened to the first page. It was also blank. No title? She leafed through the pages, finding it did indeed have text. After reading finishing the book, the contents astounded her. It dawned on her not moments later what she had just read. Now she had a dilemma. Leave it to be abused by trainers, or destroy it. Certainly she couldnt just leave it here.. so into her pack it went. [b]2SPOOKY[/b] ALERT! ALERT! Amelia's cell phone went off, jolting her awake. She had passed out over a particularly dusty book about trains. While interesting, not enough to keep her from sleeping. It was very dark out now. She checked the device that thankfully woke her. There was a message that told anyone able to fight, to head to the morgue. As soon as she read it, she could hear noises coming from outside. She was on the second floor, the windows were on the first. Quietly, she sunk to the floor and peered down. It seemed a lot of people had taken shelter within. They hid behind shelves and over turned tables. Amelia turned her attention to outside itself. Hordes of natrelmon lumbered down the street. Looking more closely, she could see there was something very wrong with them. They looked... decayed? How could that be? Most of them had moved on before Amelia made it down to the first floor. She was careful to make she she stayed out of sight, in case there were stragglers. Once someone was close enough, she asked what happened, but no one had an answer. They were as clueless as herself. The message mentioned the morgue, perhaps she should assist them. One of the staff explained that there was a back door to the library. They also gave her directions to the morgue. Amelia opened it an inch and looked out. It looked clear enough. Stepping out was easy. Once the door clicked shut is when she started to freak out. Her heart pounded so fast, she thought it was going to run out of her chest. Looking around, there was nothing. Quickly she scampered away to the morgue. According to the directions, the morgue was right across the street. Amelia crouched in her alley way, out of sight. She waited for the others to appear.