Bolin knew it might do him some good to go out and play the field a little. It was something the earth bender hadn't done in a long time, not since he crossed paths with Korra. Since then, all other girls faded in comparison to the energetic warrior. Bolin knew he and his brother could resolve things, and they were. Being in the academy together was doing some good, allowing both to train but also bond the way they once did when it was just themselves surviving on the streets. The brunette male was learning to stand up for himself and speak up when he needed to. if he wanted to make Republic City a safer place, the place he loved, then he knew he would need to take some of Mako's stubbornness and put it to use in his own way. Seeing Korra was great and Asami as well, considering he hadn't seen her since they parted ways a couple days ago. He hadn't yet asked too much about how the living arrangements were going but he got the sense that so far, Asami and Mako were slowly adjusting. Seeing Korra bumble with her words in regards to shopping and playing dress up made Asami relax a little easier. Asami didn't see why Korra couldn't admire her own body, it was toned and had an exotic tone, Korra also had abilities to go along with her looks, she wasn't just some doll like some people Asami had been forced to associate with at dull parties. With the addition of the men, Asami let the conversational topic drop for the time being as the idea of began to circulate. Asami had hoped a dinner would help the four of them catch up but it seemed Korra was still pretty consumed with the events taking place with Tenzin and his family. Asami had heard rumors of course but she wasn't sure what to believe. It was a very emotional topic and she didn't want to get Korra upset after all the progress that had been made between the two females. [b]"It's fine, we can do it another time..."[/b] She tried to interject as Mako supposed that someone with healing qualifications should get involved, not herself. Bolin was beginning to feel the tone change as well. He moved over to Asami, out of the way as he could already sense tension sparking between the two. The earth bender scratched the back of his neck as Korra yelled at Mako, as he said if Aang could help, he likely would have already. Even though he was trying to be more vocal and speak up for himself, he was no fool and kept his mouth tightly shut as Korra snapped at Mako and things slowly began to wind down. Bolin took the cue and held up a hand, as if trying to physically brush away the stress circulating around the group. [b]"H-hey hey...Korra, Mako is just trying to help get you away from a situation that we all know is troubling you. Mako, Korra might be feeling a tiny bit helpless at the moment and your intentions might have come up a little bit insensitive. Let's focus here. Guys, Asami is offering to make us a big amazing dinner and let us swim in her pool and have gallons of ice cream! I think we should go and have fun like the good old days."[/b] [b]"I wasn't really offering that specifically..."[/b] Asami tried to correct him, more amused than anything else. The boy then leaned over to Mako and Asami since they hadn't been around Korra and Tenzin's family and didn't know the real gloom that hung over the island. [b]"Listen, she's really under a lot of pressure. When I'm not training at the academy, Korra and I are cooking and cleaning for the family. I really think she could use a distraction but not if it's going to cause a fight. She should come on her own and not feel guilty about it."[/b] He said quietly, putting his hand over his mouth. Asami looked back over to Korra and figured it would be best if she and Mako made a trip to the island soon and bring some supplies. [b]"You know,"[/b] He then spoke up loudly now so Korra could hear him. [b]"We did see Lin heading towards the harbor, I'm sure she went to visit Tenzin now that things are settling into a routine. I bet she's looking after everyone just fine!"[/b] The boy was probably laying it on a bit thick but he wanted Korra to worry less, or try to at least. Asami gave Bolin a smile and placed a hand on his shoulder, he was a great guy. [b]"Korra, if you'd like to go back and make sure things are alright, you're free to join us later on."[/b] Asami offered as she moved to where the Avatar stood and pulled her into a hug which surprised herself. [b]"If you don't, I understand and so does Mako...regardless, I'll stop by tomorrow and see what I can do to help, it's the least I can do when they offered me safety in my own hour of need."[/b] Letting go, she walked back to where the brothers were and motioned for them to head towards her car. Bolin looked between Korra and the pair, not sure if he was free to go or not. Sure, Korra had said he could but he wasn't sure. Still, he knew he needed to step back and be his own man so he gave her a smile before he jogged off to catch up to Asami and Mako. Asami started the engine after Bolin got in the back seat and drove off toward her mansion. it would be nice t have a guest again. It wasn't that Mako was boring or anything but it still felt empty, lonely, with just the two of them and a handful of people who came and went, Once they arrived, the trio got out and headed inside, out of the darkness. - - - As the silver haired woman stood there, she felt useless, as if her bending had never been returned. Lin looked off, not one for emotional situations. And this situation reeked of emotions, old and new, some that resurfaced and some that were being given new life. Lin was surprised by Tenzin's question, more that he'd ask it so openly in front of Pema and Meelo but she understood that time, perhaps, wasn't on their side and information was better than none. The woman knew her words needed to be selected carefully, she didn't want to give false hope, nor did she intend to paint things to be bleak and hopeless. The middle ground was delicate and nearly impossible to strike. [b]"There are four other cases much like yours."[/b] She started to say and took a step closer to where Tenzin was with his family. [b]"At first they weren't looked into because we had so many other matters to address but when the third came to our attention, we quietly collected a few medics who could collect data and pin point any connection, so far the links are weak due to the lack of information coming in."[/b] Lin wished she had more information for them, she truly did. She could feel eyes on her. Usually it didn't bother her, she was in a position of power, authority, people looked to her for protection and for once she could not offer it. Lin was determined to get to the bottom of things before more people were targeted. [b]"So far those afflicted are benders so it is possible that someone might be acting on Amon's behalf despite his apparent defeat...if you ask me, biological warfare seems rather clever for any of his mindless followers. If we have a serial killer, I would bring in more detectives to work on the case but as I said, information isn't plentiful. I'm sorry."[/b] She said solemnly. If she had any breaks, she would tell Tenzin of course. If his family wasn' the one being targeted, she may have brought him in to consult with possible ideas but she couldn't ask that of him now. No. In her mind, she hadn't had much of a success with her visit to Tenzin. She wasn't much help and she felt useless. She hated it. [b]"I better let you get some rest now, that includes you too Tenzin."[/b] Lin said. If she needed to stay and do some babysitting, she would stomach the pain to help her friend. If the acolytes weren't around, she could always spend the night making sure no one came near them, even though she had put out an order at Tenzin's request, to prevent people from visiting the island unless otherwise permitted. Lin turned and headed back out to the kitchen area. From the look of things Korra and Bolin were gone for the night. She knew Bolin could still be in the city with his brother but Lin wondered if she should bring the Avatar into the investigations. Things were still very early, even though people were suffering. Information in this situation couldn't be easily obtained like in other cases that plagued the city. This was different and she had a bad feeling about it all. The metal/earth bender stepped outside and saw the moon making its appearance, it was a small silver in the sky, but still beautiful and poignant like anything else. Lin rubbed her face and let her hand trail down to her shoulder to rub it tiredly, wishing she could have a drink.