Mayt looked around the guild and spotted Sasha staring into her drink for a bit before going to the message board. Mayt put his sword away and headed over, sliding into the seat next to Sasha and ordering water before looking at her. "Tad late to be looking at jobs isn't it? Especially seeing as we're probably going to use most if not all of our magic tomorrow, judging by how everyone around here anticipates our encounter with the Magic Council going tomorrow." He lets out a long sigh. "It's a stupid plan. I don't care how good or bad our chances are, it's stupid in every sense of the word." He glanced up at Damian, and then at Master Jamie, before turning back to Sasha. "But everyone's going along with it, so it'd be just as stupid to keep going against it I guess." His words seem half-hearted and hollow, as if he's just coming up with excuses for things no one asked about.