I see I might use Zatanna instead(Magic fight) Name Zatanna Zatara age late 20s Female race:Human Appearance http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120213210604/batman/images/7/7b/Zatanna_new_52.jpg Fighting :Knows advanced combat level. She can keep up with fighters like batman but will rely more on her wits then fists Magic Element control(Fire, ice, water,air, earth, and light) She can create a blast of mystical energy, use it to creat force fields,She can also use the force fields to redirect her foes attacks.She also has telekinesis but needs total concentration to use it. She also has healing but again needs to be in a safe area to use it. Weaknesses She is vulnerable to other magic. She can dispel other enchantments Zatanna casts her spells by saying the words of her incantations backwards. Mnemonic incantation is the most complicated of the mystic arts. On one occasion, the assassin Deathstroke delivered a direct blow to her liver, initiating a regurgitation reaction. On a separate occasion, The Joker (disguised as the stage magician Loxias) shot Zatanna in the neck, rendering her magic useless. She must be able to speak or read backwards in order for her to focus her spells.She can also use mystic energy to make inanimate such as traps or weapons. She can also levitate herself for flight, but again it uses a lot of energy and needs concentration. Bio:http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Zatanna_Zatara_(New_Earth) Other She is able to speak backward. She uses this for most of her spells