Sasha sighed looking over to Mayt, "whether it's a stupid plan or not, I think we have to do it. The master has already said we can't just go and ask them. They know something of what has happened to Wes and they are holding back. So we need to get it. We don't have to fight then, but we need the book" she said with a shrug. She took a sip her drink, looking as Maddox came over. She tensed at his question, having been ready to be friendly. "mayt is a friend" she said coolly "and so is Lazarus" she didn't say anything more, but her drink froze in the glass, and the glass shattered. She looked away, saying "sorry" she hadn't gotten anything out of Lazarus, and it didn't look like she would tonight. She looked to damian, then sighed, and nodded.