onboard the drifting corvette in the bridge the captain and his remaining crew held their aim at the door, a few minutes passed by "c....captain, ya sure it's still here?, maybe it was scrapped..." one suggested, right before there was a loud bang on the door, followed by another, with each one that followed the door became dented, the captain looked to the one who made the suggestion . Does that sound Scrapped to ya!? keep yer yap shut and mask on, it's about to get a lot less airy in here.." the captain said as he looked at the door . "that was an awful pun..." one said to the captain . "ya I know..." the captain said before the door was kicked in, the remaining air in the room was sucked out, one of the crew members was as well, he got his head smashed against the door of the way out, killing him, after the air had been vented, a large robotic figure stepped into the room . "YOU HAVE ENGAGED IN HOSTILE ACTIONS TOWARDS ME, YOU HAVE NO REASON BEHIND IT, YOU HAVE BEEN DEEMED AS A THREAT, YOU SHALL BE TERMINATED" the being said as it raised it's weapon and opened fire, the pirates fired back, but with the fear inside them their aim was poor, the being was barely hit as it systematically took down each target before aiming at the captain, the captain took out a blaster pistol and fired at the beings head, the shot just missed and the being shot the captain in the chest, killing him "I CLAIM THIS VESSEL AND IT'S CONTENTS" the being said as it began to make it's way to the repair bay to fix itself