Sasha's tone with her answer quickly suggested she wasn't in a joking mood. With that in mind, the smile vanished from Maddox's face. As Mayt answered his question before, the red-haired mage took a quiet drag on his cigarette. Only when Mayt finished speaking did Maddox release the smoke. Another new person had arrived as well. Now the bar felt populated, even if half the people there he was unfamiliar with. "I've been on a job for a few months," Maddox explained first. "That's why you haven't seen me." He took another drag on his cigarette and memorized the appearance of Damien. Then his eyes went back to Mayt and Sasha. "Both of you should relax." After he let out the smoke, he put the cigarette out in the ashtray. "Nobody is getting hurt tomorrow." Maddox's expression held no smile, but was as sincere as one could get. "It isn't just about Wes, you know. But don't worry about it, either of you." The red-haired mage let out a sigh and put his hands behind his head, stretching his back. "You both sound tense. Just relax tonight. Maybe go to bed early and get some extra sleep. Or stay up late and have some drinks. Whatever floats your boat." The smile returned as he Maddox began to chuckle. Without even looking at Damien, his left hand pointed toward the S-class wizard. "I heard stories about you while I was out," he began light-heartedly, now directing his gaze to the man he was talking to. "For a newcomer to become S-rank is rare in any guild. So naturally I'm curious. Where did you come from? What can you do?" With a grin, Maddox leaned against the bar and picked up a drink. "We can start with your name though. Mine is Maddox Colburn."