[quote=YamiCuoreLaroux] Name: Kyo Alavondai Age: 21 Appearance: Personailty: Particularly quiet (possibly because he's almost completely mute) and still a bit shy around people at first, but caring towards other individuals. He has always been a bit spacey, sometimes retreating into his own head for long periods of time until he is interrupted. Of course, he's had to get used to doing this a lot less ever since his mind was invaded by his demon. His favorite flowers are catkins, and he cannot stand any kind of food that appears to have a face for some reason. Other than that, though, he loves food and will normally be fine with eating most anything. He still wears a bell on his wrist from another time in his life. It's very precious to him. Bio: Kyo was also a student in college when the demon appeared in his head, but he takes a lot of online classes still to keep on top of things and is currently the artist for a web series that he works on in his spare time. Even the followers have noted that this series has gotten a bit darker since around a certain time, though exactly why could never be revealed. Demon: Nightmares [/quote] Approved. He and Katherin are going to be very close/