Austin woke up that morning, if you could even consider it waking up, with a terrible crick in his neck. He seriously needed to find out who his godly parent was before he flipped his shit on all of the Hermes cabin. Whatever. [i]What was today again? 31st,[/i] he thought. He wondered if demigods even celebrated Halloween. Maybe some of them did and he didn't look like a total weirdo when he dressed up. Austin was up before most of his cabin mates. He stretched his arms above his head, intertwining his fingers and cracking his knuckles. He then flipped his dirty blonde hair out of his eyes. He stood up from his place on the floor. He still thought park benches were more comfortable, but it was nice to be surrounded by fellow mischeif makes and such. Austin pulled out his backpack which was safely stored in the bottom of his sleeping bag. 3 or 4 people had tried to rob him last night. None of them came near him again. Anyways, Austin pulled out a black T shirt, socks, boxers, and a dark pair of jeans. He was glad no one else was awake, because that meant he didn't have to wait forever for the shower. He quickly showered and brushed his teeth and all of those things, and he only once had someone walk in on him. Sadly, she wasn't all that attractive and Austin was already foaming at the mouth. They both shared a curt nod and said nothing. When Austin was finished, he walked out and apologized for her walking in on him and how he should've locked the door and other bull shit that wasn't likely to happen. After that, Austin headed over to a corner with a chair that he had hung his leather jacket on when he had first gotten to the cabin. Luckily no one had taken the jacket and he didn't keep anything in the pockets after he took it off in here. He pulled the jacket on and then pulled something out of his backpack just in case. A couple of things, actually. He quickly walked outside, his secret safe within his jacket pocket and under his hands. He saw a gathering of girls kind of in the middle of the cabin area, you could say. Either way, that's where he was headed first. They seemed to be dressed up, too, from what her could tell, so Austin pulled out his [url=]cat ears[/url] and slid them casually on his head. All he needed to do now was switch his sneakers for boots. He stood sort of awkwardly outside the congregation of girls and heard [i][b]"...alcohol to drink and I really don't want to be stuck here with you three... No offence Ky, you too Syl."[/i][/b] as the girl, he thought her name was Arianna, walked away. "Happy Halloween, ladies," Austin said, casually, giving one of his trademarked, patent-pending, no you can't use it, cocky smirks.