[i]Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, be-[/i] The alarm was cut short as Thane brought a hammer of a fist down onto it, knocking the device to the floor with reckless abandon. "I'm up, I'm up." Thane groaned rolling to the edge of his bed, his sheets falling in a crumpled mess at his feet as he swung them down to the ground. Thane arched his head back letting out a long, slow breath as the images of his dreams filtered through. Since Ate's game was cut short, memories of the day had flickered through his mind whenever his eyes were closed for a moment too long. Ate's game wasn't what had unnerved him so, however. It was his father's actions that left a lasting impact on Thane's mind. The door creaked upon, drawing him from his trance, Erin's ever cheery disposition making its way into his cave-like room. The only light within his room came from the gaping door to the living room that Erin had left open as she made her way in, making her more a silhouette than a girl before his weary eyes. [i] “Bad dreams Thane? Oh well, happy Halloween! Hurry up and get ready, you know this is my busiest day of the year.”[/i] she said to him as she closed the gap quickly, her warm palms on his knees, his breath cool against his burning skin, her lips like a roaring flame to the touch. He returned the kiss to her cheek in a half-hearted effort, still confused by their relationship. "Nothing worse than the usual." He smiled duly, pushing himself up as she made her way out of the room, her face visibly red even in the darkness of his room, "I'll try my best not to disappoint." Thane closed the door behind her, stripping out of his briefs as he made his way across the room into the bathroom, cranking the shower on near full blast. He needed a good scalding shower to clear his head. Stepping out of the shower, Thane quickly toweled off and went for the box of makeup he kept beneath his sink, plopping it down on the counter and giving the mirror a wipe with his hand. His snow-white hair was plastered to his skin and after a few minutes of toiling and waxing it was tightly combed back and meant to stay there until his next shower. He went for the make-up next, applying a creme base to his face and neck, making his skin as white as his hair minus the two black lines that cut down from his hairline to his eyes. Once that was done he emphasised the black lines, creating long thin diamonds that stretched from the center of his cheeks to the peak of his hairline, the diamonds being cut in half by his black eyes. Thane added the final touch of obsidian black lipstick to his lips and then sealed and stowed away the make-up box beneath his sink before moving to his room. There he found a pair of boxer-briefs, black and white checkered pants, and a long white button up that he would wear with black dress shoes and gloves. "But doctor, I am Pagliacci," he muttered, laughing softly at his own joke as he made his way through the cabin and then out into the open. Thane's costume wasn't as... provocative as some of the others, nor was it completely plain and enthused like the boy he didn't recognize. He walked up to Erin, brushing his hand against her wrist as he stood next to her, "Perhaps I should be wearing high-heels and show a little more cleavage. I'm feeling a little overdressed."