[quote=SpartanDoesAcid] What sort of cash is offered to people who are independent and are recruited to fight in the Special Task Force? Is it good pay, or would you find better working for some organization like the Hutts or as a mercenary for Czerka? [/quote] You'd need to be more skilled and as such the pay would be greater. [quote=NarcissisticPotato] Name: Jailee StormbringerGender: FemaleSpecies: Echani/Thyrsian (half-breed)Age: 23Homeworld: ThyrsusPersonality: Not typically the type of girl you want to run into at a bar because if this happens and it goes anywhere, you have a very large chance of ending up dead or in prison, both of which aren't particularly fun. Her methods are another matter but if you're pondering why then it's quite simple - she feeds off chaos. A lot of other Sith are powered by their hatred and their emotions but she isn't the same; she doesn't need to hate her enemy to kill them, that's what makes her efficient.So efficient, in fact, that even when her powers were just progressing, she was capable of pulling low-level Jedi under influence. It was all for a bit of fun, of course, and she usually never killed them; just left them with a felony that would warrant being kicked out of the Jedi order. The less Jedi, the better, after all. This isn't to say that now that she's a little older, she can pull higher level Jedi under her control. She just relies on lust for that, knowing that her powers would be mostly useless against experienced wielders of the force.However, if you are in fact, on her side, then you would find yourself to be very lucky. She's extremely loyal to the Sith movement and believes that the Republic should be all but eradicated so as a new Sith Empire can reign supreme. Of course, she has made some very critical decisions so that her position in this empire (which she believes to be imminent) is cemented.Skills: In combat, she is a force to be reckoned with - granted, she could never face off against a Jedi of a much higher standing than her but due to her deep satisfaction towards killing and ensuing chaos, she can make sure that not only does she escape from a battle but she leaves a trail of devastation behind her. In terms of lightsabres, she prefers to dual-wield two of them. Not only that but she has been taught to not only utilise the Echani's minimalistic martial art but the Thyrsian combat as well, meaning that she can operate being both heavily armoured and not so much.Her skills outside of the battlefield are also quite notable. If done correctly, she can make even the strongest of minds believe that she has no force powers whatsoever. She then uses this power rather effectively to garner information or even assassinate high-risk targets. As long as she can get them somewhere a little quieter, she can kill them with a concealed vibro-shiv or use the weapon to make them talk a little quicker.Equipment: - Two Lightsabres with curved hilts. Both utilize a black crystal.- Vibro-ShivPowers:- Basic force abilities- Force Corrupt- Force Fear- Force PersuasionFlaws: - Despite only being half Echani, she shares their firm regard of other species as below her. For this reason, she can appear to be quite unpleasant to races she views as sub-standard. She can be extremely selfish and narcissistic but it depends upon the situation.- Although she has a deep respect for Mandalorians, she would much prefer to see one with its throat slit than one that was alive and kicking. This deep hatred stems from both of the races she descended from, having extremely difficult conflicts with the Mandalorians.- She is almost loath to allow anyone in, for that reason, friendships can be very difficult. This is born from long years of rigorously telling herself that to allow anyone in was to show her weaknesses.- Has a soft spot for younger children and would hesitate a lot more to kill them than some of her other Sith allies. She might even defend them if she can ensure they would be no bother to her in the future.Personal History:Jailee's story is a tale of surviving and thriving against all odds. There was a whole host of reasons why she was extremely disliked on her birthplace of Thyrsus. First of all, she was the daughter of an Echani who had had a short fling with a local girl which ended in pregnancy. After he disappeared, her mother was left to pick up the pieces. Second of all, she was born a tiny thing and didn't look like a Thyrsian. And finally, something that possibly could have redeemed her but failed to do so, was her gender. Jailee was a girl on a world where, unlike the Echani, men were prized above all else.For these reasons, she and her mother were as good as exiles amongst the community. Her mother's crimes were outrageous enough that one day, she simply disappeared without a single word towards where she went. All Jailee knew was from whispers, that she had got exactly what she deserved. The young girl liked to hope that her father had taken her mother back, because that's what she deserved but she didn't see that happening. So, she existed. Her childhood wasn't pretty and she was reluctantly passed amongst other families to support her. They were never overly supportive but they fed her - she could manage the rest.Her first run-in with death was when she had just turned thirteen and boys from the older years of her school decided that she was now old enough to suffer a similar fate to her mother. She was attacked during the day when her eyes could barely even function and for that reason, she couldn't even fight back at her attackers. She was dragged out into the wilds and there was quite a number of people who took notice but not a single one stepped in to help (this was just after to the Thyrsian war for independence). It was out there, when they were taunting her before preparing to kill her that she learned of her gifts.Her fear was so much so that all of a sudden, the ones who attacked her were drove into madness; striking at their friends with the weapons that were intended for her. Ironically, the only survivor was the one who was dragged out there to die.The Sun-Guard were contacted after the discovery of the bodies and her execution was prepared before a Sith Warrior stepped in and requested the young Jailee to be freed. He informed the Sun-Guard that she had a great talent and could be used as a weapon against their enemies. Of course, he intended for her to be used against enemies of the Sith, not the Sun-Guard.After that, she eagerly went under his wing - he was the only one who didn't care about her heritage. He only cared about her power and her capabilities and she was quite fine with that - he fed her well, after all. She grown under his watchful eye as he slowly moulded her into a weapon. Combat was prioritised, but as she grew older and certainly more alluring, he realised that she could use her natural looks and charm to garner information. It was a win-win for him as he gained an apprentice who was knighted without killing him and increased his power within the Sith by using her talents.He was too much of a fatherly figure to her for her to kill him - she simply couldn't do it, so she didn't. She left him with his blessing and lent her aid in a few battles for the Sith. More recently, however, she has been sent in to infiltrate the ranks of this new Sith-hunting Task-Force and feed information back to high-command. Jailee does have to admit though, she fits into trooper armour rather well!Extra/Other: N/A [/quote] If infiltrating the TF you're probably going to need to be able to mask your force presence, or alternatively avoid Jedi.