Illiendi paid no mind to the wold man, mystic or no it hardly mattered what one old man thought of him and Illiendi was as sure as he could be that them an was no mystic. The demon was far more interested in the Lord's response, many of his contractors were confident until confronted with the fact they had indeed sold themselves to a devil, then they spent their years trying to find loop holes and escape plans, even trying to bribe Paimon with riches and new knowledge, some even tried offering him human sacrifices to stave off the inevitable and those souls had always left a bad taste in his mouth. The utter lack of self respect that those men had made him wonder if they could even be considered men, worms seemed to suit them more. However the Lordling shrugged it off with a quiet quip about children not always wanting whats good for them and he was, although he hid it, quietly impressed that the boy hadn't been tongue tied or embarrassed himself. By the time they were outside and the door had closed the demon was slightly more interested in the young Lord. They had not gotten many feet from the shop, following an empty street towards the docks, the wind tussling their hair when Amano said something that momentarily stilled Illiendi. While certainly as the months turned to years there was a likelihood the boys mind would change he spoke with such certainty that Illiendi almost bought what was said. Glancing from the flower to the lord he narrowed his eyes just slightly, as if trying to squint in hopes of better seeing something that was blurred or out of focus. No more than a few seconds passed before the demon resumed his pace. The boy wasn't lying, not in anyway the demon could see or sense, he honestly understood the price and -even if only for now- was satisfied with what that meant for him later down the line. Illiendi was, needless to say, surprised and a little hungry at the show of the boys naivety, or should it be bravery? For a long moment the demon said nothing, savouring the scent and the hunger that came and had to be fought aside. After a minute or so passed he spoke again, "So young, many masters and mistresses have said the same to me before, until it came time for them to die. We shall see if you still have the same opinion when you are old and weary." The demon was not mocking the boy and it came across in his tone but he did have a crumb of disbelief in his tone, the sort that came from unexpected news or words. Glancing to the lord the demon took in his features for the first time, he was young sure but he was far more attractive than his brothers, even the eldest, more handsome in his ways than his mother as well, although at his age she was no doubt a beauty. He considered it 'good' that the boy had very little of his father in his features at all. As the wind blew hair into his masters eyes the demon reached out and tucked it behind his ear, "Such idle romanticism...I do not know if I should call you foolish or brave. is like nothing you can imagine..." Illiendi stopped and turned back to the road, clearly deciding that the continuation of his explanation was redundant and awaited Amano to move off before following behind him as he ought to. The docks were not far ahead and they were making good time so the demon set to the rest of the plans for the day and walked in silence. Once the supplies had been dropped off with the captain and stored below and the maps had been charted and courses plotted, there was still much to do. The ship had to be fully supplied and ready for the harsh weathers but further more the demon had to make sure Amano was ready, while Illiendi would do his best not to allow the ship to sink he was not a god, he could do things that normal people couldn't but he didn't control nature or science and so an emergency kit was essential. There was still the announcements, the letters to deliver, the family to say goodbye too and packing to finish, a mammoth amount of work ahead but nothing that Illiendi couldn't finish by morn tomorrow.